Scott and Stiles

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Here's some fluffy Sciles shit. And I literally mean shit. It's shit.

"Derek left. Isaac went to France. Jackson's tearing it up in London. Danny is off doing whatever it is that he does. He's probably about to marry some hot actor because he's a lucky little shit." Stiles stated.

"Or he's attending Harvard with his mind on his future." Scott offered.

They both paused a moment before speaking in unison. "Probably both."

"I bet you that Jackson and Isaac are a thing now."

Scott scrunched his nose. "Probably not. Derek's more of Isaac's type."

"Seriously? My ex-boyfriend is your ex-boyfriend's type? Dude, this town is fucked."

"Peter must've been gay because the entire male population of werewolves are gay." Scott joked.

"I dunno, he had a thing for your mom though."

Scott shrugged. "Eh, enough about Peter, come cuddle me."

Stiles jumped out of the chair and leaped onto Scott. They weren't dating. They just liked to kiss and hug more than general friends would. They didn't want to put a label on it.

Melissa and John knew and didn't really care. No one was gonna wind up pregnant so it was okay.

"Can you believe we're going to college next year." Stiles asked, while drawing circles on Scott's bicep.

"Yeah, I'm ready though. Just a few years of school then I'm done."

"Are you planning on getting married?"

Scott shrugged. "I haven't given I much thought. When the time comes I'll know."

Stiles playfully squeezed his bicep. "You're so fit and I'm so lanky."

"You're fit too, don't be hard on yourself."

"Eh, shut up and kiss me. I don't feel like arguing."

Scott smiled and complied. He playfully bit down on Stiles' lips and tickled his side. Stiles gently smacked his hand away before running his fingers through Scott's hair.

"Don't ruin the moment asshole." Stiles mumbled against his lips.

Scott pulled back and laughed. "You can't talk when you kiss me, you know that tickles."

"I know, I'm trying to get you back."

"Tickle war then?"

Stiles eyes grew wide and he glared at Scott. "No, don't you dare. Seriously. Do not tickle me."

Too late, Scott was already jabbing his fingertips into his best friend's ribcage. Stiles was flailing around and was somewhere between laughing and crying.

He tried pushing Scott off, but that really didn't work with werewolf strength. An elbow to the jaw worked though.

"Rude!" Scott said, rubbing his jaw.

Stiles gave his jaw a quick peck and apologized. "What are we exactly?"

Scott shrugged and straddled Stiles. "We're friends."

"Just friends?"

Scott shrugged. "Friends who like to do this."

Scott kissed Stiles and pulled d away smiling. "Is that a problem?"

He shrugged. "Not really, just needed to know whether we were an exclusive item before answering Theo back about that date."

Scott pushed himself to sit up. "You're going on a date with Derek?"

"I don't see why not. We're not exclusive, I know Theo doesn't want exclusive. I'm young and I wanna have fun."


Stiles groaned. "I'm still not in the mood to argue, just fucking kiss me."

Stiles playfully bit at Scott's lip, since it was still puckered out in a pout. "Come on, Scott. Forget I even mentioned it."

"I can't. All I can think about right now is Theo and you and I'm just-angry."

Stiles adjusted Scott so he was lying on his back. "Don't think about what I'm doing later, think about what I'm going now."

Scott softly groaned and Stiles shoved his hands down his boxers. "Okay. Okay, yeah I can do that."


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