chapter three

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Nickolas' POV

On my drive to Camille's apartment, I can't help but think of what happened earlier. I'm just sick and tired of my friends talking about their kids,my younger sister has two kids already. I deserve to be happy, I will be happy with Camille and my son, Mason.

I should have listened to my dad and divorced lotus earlier. I can't wait to give Camille the good news she'll be so happy. I park in the lot and head up to her apartment,after my son was born I moved her to one of the most luxurious apartment complex in the city. We need to get married as soon as possible and I want my wedding to be spectacular.

I walk in and see Camille on the couch watching one of her favorite Netflix series. I give her a kiss and say"Hey babe guess what? I'm finally divorcing Lotus the day after tomorrow, I'll ask her to move out when we divorce and you ,our son and I can finally be a family", I get out the box I had and take the ring out and ask her to marry me.

"Oh my God yes Nick of course I'll marry you", she say and I slip the ring on her finger,but she frowns and says" I was expecting a ring like the one you got lotus or the same one you gave her".

" Are you serious I made it customly made for you Camille and I spent I loftly amount on it as well, where's my son?".

" He's with the nanny",so I walk to my son's room. I don't know why she insists on having everything lotus has ,I even bought her the same car that Lotus drives which is a Lamborghini urus, I just don't understand what her obsession with Lotus is but anyways as long as she's happy.

I tell the nanny to hand me my son and as l look at him I remember when Liam was just a baby,he was the cutest little thing. Lotus was so depressed so I suggested adoption and the smile on her face when she first held Liam in her hands was price. What was all the money for if I couldn't buy my wife, ex-wife all the happiness she deserved.

Oh lotus she gave up everything for me,she was a fool now I own everything and I'm rich as hell. I just can't wait to get the divorce and I hope she shows up knowing Lotus she might try to change my mind so I'll let Camille accompany me.

Camille and I knew each other since childhood,our parents were good friends and my mother would take me for playdates with her brother Jacob and Camille would come along. But when her family moved to Italy,we lost contact. I met her again at a charity lotus and I attended. We started talking and I finally had someone to express myself to. One thing lend to another and here we are. When I found out she was pregnant i tried my best not to let Lotus find out but after my son was born I couldn't help it.

I put my son to bed and head to Camille's, our room. I like the sound of that.

I'm wakened by a call from Micheal my bestfriend who's standing as my lawyer I want to make sure Lotus gets nothing.

"Dude are you still asleep?I thought you said you don't want the press involved but the company is surrounded by the media didn't you say you want to keep the divorce private?",he ask and I'm confused.

" What the hell are you talking about Micheal?".

" Everyone knows you want to divorce your wife and that you have an illegitimate   son, photos of you and Camille have been leaked and lotus is now sueing you for adultery, you're going to lose everything".

" No she can't do that she doesn't have the guts nor the brains to full something like this off!", I yell and pull at my hair.

Camille is now wide awake and is asking me what's going on.

That bitch! Who the hell does she think she is. I shower quickly and Camille won't stop asking what's going on so I promise to tell her when I'm back. I drive to my house and I need to have a word with lotus maybe if I offer her a few millions she'll leave me alone and I'll let her keep the house and that bastard of hers can keep my name so he can be identified as somebody in life.

I enter my estate and I see people loading staff into a truck I get out and give the keys to Philip my drive so he can park the car.

"Goerge what is going on?".

"The madam oder all her clothes and the little master's clothes packed and sent to the hotel they are staying in and the pictures and the rest of your clothes burnt",he says.

What the hell has she lost it .I see a maid pick up a picture of lotus and I on our wedding day and I tell her to give it to me , I don't know but I can't let her burn it. I ask George to to prepare a suit for me that's if there is any remaining. She is completely out of her mind doesn't she know how much my suits cost. I have no time for this . So I head up to the room Lotus and I used to share and find it bare and only a chair with my suit on it inside. I change and tell Philip to drive me to the office. Immediately we arrive my car is swamped with the press my security guards arrive and I'm able to get through.

I enter the conference room because that's where we're going to finalize everything from , Micheal is already here and the man I man that must be lotus'lawyer is here as well,but she is nowhere to be seen.

We wait for two hours and I'm losing my patience, I'm about to get up and leave when the door opens and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen walks in but looking at her closely I realized that this woman is my wife , ex-wife to be. The black dress with a deep neck just hugs her body tight showing off her curves and I can't help but look at her breasts and all the love making we did came rushing back to me and my blood flew south. She really looked gorgeous,all eyes where on her and I wanted to rip all the men's eyes in the room out. She's my wife for fuck's sake. She shamelessly smiles because she knows what effect she has on everyone in this room. Why didn't she dress like this when we were still together after years of trying to have a child she got depressed and all she wore were baggy clothes that means her look homeless.

I take a sit bacause I'd be damned if she sees my bulge but I can't help but wonder if she has any underwear on. Fuck! I run my hand through my hair and hope we get this over with. She gracefully takes a sit and a man takes on besides her. Troy Beltran lotus' dad now I know that all this drama was caused by her dad ,she would never try to sue me because she loved me . Troy has always hated me because my dad married his childhood crush. But I still can't imagine I'm divorcing my wife of eight years and if this is how she'll be dressing then I'm not sure if I want to divorce her,just the thought of other men touching her has my blood boiling. Why did you have to be barren lotus?. But as long as she'll be in this city I won't let any men near her maybe from time to time she'd let me hit it,I know she'd do it coz she loves me simple.

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