chapter twenty four

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Lotus' POV

Oh my gosh what have I done?,this can't be happening,I watch as Luciano drives away and I feel like I've lost the best thing in the my life.

I then remember that Nick is in the house and passed out,so I quickly run inside,I get some sniffing salts to try and wake him up but I don't know if he'll get they're scent because his nose is broken very badly.

I get some cold water and sprinkle some on him,he wakes up and I help him to the car. I then drive to the hospital. I'll get him treated then go and look for Luciano.

"Oh shit my face hurts, I'm going to press charges,I want that bastard in jail",Nick groans in the back.

" You're not pressing any charges this is not LA Nick , you're in Italy this is Luciano's tuff, besides he had every right to act the way he did",I say as I run a red light. I need to find Luciano.

I get to the hospital and help Nick inside,I then run to my daughter's ward so I can see if he came by. I enter and I see Katherine trying to calm Liam down and seeing my child in distress I panic.

"Honey what's wrong?",I say and this causes him to look up.

"Are you happy now mom?,are you? dad's gone he left and it's all your fault, I hate you so much,I wish I was never born,why?,what did you do to make him leave?" He screams at me and tears roll down my face.

"Honey I'm so sorry, I'll fix this I promise I'll fix it", I whisper and try to hug him but he pushes me away and I land on my butt. "Don't you ever in your life touch me again,do you know how all this is hard for me?",he says and runs outside. Katherine offers me an apologitic look and rushes after him.

I enter into the room and I see Mari sleeping on the bed and my parents and Enzo are sitted on the couch softly discussing something and when I enter all eyes fall on me. Enzo gets up and leaves the room.

But before he can go I hold onto his hand"I need you to help me find Luciano, please",I beg him. He just shakes his head sadly and snatches his arm from my hands and leaves.

"Mom please, Dad you have to help me, I fucked up",I say and hold on my mom's hands,she slowly caresses my face then gives me a warm hug and kisses my forehead. I love at my father and he too kisses my forehead.

"We lost you once because of that idiot Nick and we won't let it happen again for the second time, you're our only child Lotus and we love you,but what you did to that Young Man who has done nothing but love you is the worst thing one would do to another person, you've hurt him but the one affected by all this is Liam,this is not healthy for him, so I'm sending him to a boarding school in England I've already spoken to him and he has agreed,as for Luciano give him time,he cried Lotus and for a grown man to cry what you did must have hurt"he says and sighs.

" But dad his leaving he said his going away,you have to help me stop him", I say and sob.

" Honey he has a company to run all he needs is time to think",my mother says. Dad leaves to get me some coffee and a change of clothes.

I continue to call him from time to time but his phone is off, I'm so anxious I keep on bouncing my leg. My mother sees and rubs my back."give him time" she whispers and pecks my cheek. I place my head on her lap and she continues to rub my back and comforts me till I fall asleep.

Four weeks later..........

I've been going to Ricci winery hoping to see Luciano there but he's been on vacation for some time now so after work I drive to the winery just to see him,the new winery we opened,is doing great we are working on a non alcoholic wine and I remember when I told Luciano about it and he was so excited.

Nick left for L.A to handle some issues in his company and by the looks of it it's not doing great one of the shareholders committed embezzlement and the company has suffered greatly,and if the issue isn't taken care of the company will go bankrupt and I can't let that happen it was originally my father's company before merging with Nick's.

I walk to the doctor who's treating Mari and I suddenly feel light-headed,he asks if I'm okay but before I can respond I feel the ground leave my feet and fall into darkness.

I wake up and see my mother sitting on a chair"oh honey you scared your father and I, I'll go get the doctor",she says. After five minutes Mari's doctor,dad,mom and Nick walk in. When did he get here ever since that incident things have been awkward between us so for how we decided to be friends for Mari's sake.

"We run some tests on you Miss Biltran and congratulations your four weeks pregnant I'll assign you to my friend who is a gynecologist,this is amazing because we need the transplant we will enforce the labour so the child can be born at eight months, congratulations again",he says and walks out.

" This is amazing,Mari will be fine",Nick says excitedly and tries to kiss me but I move and he ends up kissing me on the corner of my mouth.

My parents are also happy and call to tell Katherine the news. Everyone is happy but me , I'm happy that my princess will be cured but I wish I was carrying Luciano's child and with that I break into a sob.

"What's wrong lotus?", Nick says"should I call the doctor?".

"Shut up,Nick and get out , please leave me alone",I say and he reluctantly leaves.

" I know honey,I know how you feel but what is done is done, now you need to take care of yourself for the child in your womb and Mari,you also need to work on your relationship with Liam",she says.

" I lost the man that truly loves me mom,I singlehandedly ruined my family", I say and wipe my tears but there is no room for regret,what is done is done,I brought this upon myself.

My mom leaves the room and Nick walks in"I'm sorry for how I acted Nick I was just overwhelmed",I apologise.

" It's okay Lotus and I'm sorry too I ruined everything for you,but I hope you can keep the baby",he says.

" What are you saying of course I'll keep my child",I say does he think just because I don't like the fact that the child is his then I'll kill it.

"I know this is hard for you but Lotus don't deny it this is the universe giving us a second chance so you,me,Liam ,Mari and the baby in your womb can be a family, let's give it a try,I don't want you to rush and make a decision but I want you to think about it, and from now on I can stay here with you guys",he says.

" Are you moving here permanently?what about the company?",I ask him.

" The investigation is still going on to find who embezzled the money ,I tried but I couldn't save it,so your dad bought it",he says.

What my dad bought it,why hasn't he told me. That is amazing he worked so hard for that company and I just threw it away all because of love.

"What about Keith are you going to abandon him just because he is not your blood?",I ask him" like you did to Liam?".

" No he may not be my son but I love him like one,so I'll continue to support him and he can keep my last name also he'll be coming to visit me from time to time",he says.

That's new,Nick has really changed,but too bad his change was way too late.

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