Chapter sixteen

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"Oh my goodness,I think my water just broke"and look at Luciano sitting next to me as we watch pretty woman. We been dating for two months now.

"Goodness Lotus I swear to God if you're lying again I'll spank you,last week you told me your water broke but it turns out you just wanted to make me to get you a burger",he says,a week ago I pranked him and told him the baby was on the way I want to laugh but the I feel my first contraction and my face contorts into a painful expression and he knows I'm not faking it.

"Enzo the baby is on the way start the car! Liam get the bag!",he shouts and everyone yells" what!",and they rush down to the living room.

"Oh my God,oh my God",Enzo looks like he is about to have a panic attack,I almost laugh, almost. This shit hurts.

"Just get the hospital bag,the car seat and put it in the car,we will start off with the contractions are three minutes apart",I tell them. And everyone is running in different directions.

Luciano turns to me as I feel another one",okay breath in and out like we practiced",and I feel like slapping the shit out of him , I'm in pain and he is telling me nosense.

Everything is ready and we make our way to the car.

I'm in the car with mom , Luciano who's driving and Enzo is with me in the back seat. Dad , Liam and Katherine are in the other car.

"Just breath lotus,watch me ,in ,out ,in out", and I grab him by the collar. " I swear Enzo I'll throw you out the window if you don't shut the fuck up!",I say as I feel another contraction" Damnit Luciano I'm in labor here step on it,mom I'm not having a kid ecer again",my mom tries to calm me down but I don't want to here it.

We reach and I'm rushed into the Emergency room they allow Luciano to be there during the delivery.

"Okay now lotus I want you to push as hard as you can sweetie,push as hard as you can",the doctor tells me. And I push with all my might, Luciano holds my hand and encourages me to continue.

"Almost there come on you can do it", and I give on last push and I here a baby cry.

"It's a beautiful girl, congratulations,look at your baby",the doctor says and they put her on my chest near my heart. I look at her and the pain is gone. They take her away so they can clean her and me.

I'm taken to my room and they later bring my baby,I break feed her and later Luciano stands besides me."what do you think we should name her?" I ask him.

He smiles and kisses my forehead" Marianna ,her name is Marianna",he says. "It's a beautiful name ",I say.

My family later comes in and Liam is the first to rush in "can I see her mommy?",he says and I show him the baby.

" So what did you name her , please tell me you settled for Beyoncé" Enzo says and crosses his fingers.

We all laugh and I say" Marianna,her name is Marianna",he looks at Luciano and I and smiles"you named her after nonna (grandmother in Italian),thank you Lotus" he says and kisses my eyebrow.

And just like that our little family is complete.

The End, Finn,Finito

Is this it?does lotus get the happily ever after she deserves. Or doesn't tragidy strike which will for her to revisit the past. What will her presence bring?,will it rekindle an old spark,or reveal heartbreaking secrets. Find out in the next chapter. Don't forget to follow me for more and like and comment your thoughts

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