chapter thirty nine

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"please have a sit",he tells Stella.

"Can someone tell us what the hell is going on?", Luciano is starting to lose his patience.

"Please come down Mr Ricci,this is an important part of the investigation",the officer says,the lady takes a sit and looks at us.

"I'm sorry Miss Biltran,I didn't mean to lie to you it was all of Nick's idea,he seduced me and I fell for him ,I just wanted to please nick so he'd stay ,he paid me and doctor Enrique a lot of money to change the results of your blood test ,by the time you took it you were already pregnant, Enrique knew from the very beginning when you took the first test but Nick he paid him alot of money to lie to you,and when he found out the that little boy was not his, knowing you were pregnant he saw an opportunity and I blindly helped him, the night you had a fight with Mr Ricci,he wanted to take advantage of your drunk state and have sex with you so you could believe that he got you pregnant but that night,Nick told me you had passed out he was afraid you'd remember what happened,but after you woke up all confused and asked what happened,he took advantage and claimed you two had sex, so more than ever we had to continue lying to you",

" Wait so that night nothing happened between them?", Luciano stops her before she can finish,so of all the things she said he only heard that,wait what. I didn't have sex with Nick that night,I didn't cheat on Luciano!

"But after,you were in labor and went to deliver in a different hospital, Enrique wanted to come clean and he convinced me too,but before we could do that Nick got to us and kidnapped is at gun point,he was muttering to himself and acting crazy I've never seen him that way. Enrique tried to fight but but Nick injected him with a substance and within a few minutes Enrique was dead,we drove back to his apartment and hanged him,Nick made me get rid of all DNA evidence,after that he hit me in the head and when I woke up I was in a box with only little holes for my eyes and mouth to feed,He locked me up in the cellar of his home and when I managed to escape last night I came straight to the police",she says.

So he killed that doctor and made it look like a suicide." But how come the doctor's death was ruled as a suicide?",I ask the police officer.

" We believe he used an untraceable poison and we've reopened the case",he says.

" But inspector how does this have anything to do with our daughter being kidnapped?", Luciano asks.

" We believe after,Miss Stella escaped,Nick panicked, so he stole from your company because besides form you and Mr Ricci he is the only one that has access to that account,we were able to trace the account he first transferred the money to was the same used in the embezzlement of Lunchester corporation,the company now taken over by your father Mr Biltran,he knew because of your high tech computer system it wouldn't be long before you'd get the notification and call the police but as a bargaining chip he kidnapped your daughter so he can get out of the country freely",he says.

How can he drag his own daughter into this,I swear if anything happens to Mari I'll kill Nick myself. My child must be scared right now ,how can he do this to her,she loves him so much dispite not knowing that he's her dad,now more than ever I'm glad I didn't tell her the truth that he's her father.

"Don't worry Miss Biltran we've sent out our units and they will catch Nick and your daughter will be brought home safely",he assures us. Stella is still going to get charged but may get a lesser sentence because of her help.

A day goes by and they haven't managed to find Mari and Nick,my parents flow over after I informed them and Courtney is here too,but I have no energy to get offended with her presence.

I have dark circles and look a little like a raccoon I'm seated in my mom's embrace and Liam is in mine,"I'll get you some juice mommy",he says and runs to the kitchen to get me a glass of some orange juice.

One his way back he trips and the juice spills soaking Courtney's white Fendi dress orange.

"Ah you little brat!",she yells grabs Liam and almost smacks him on the face but is held by Luciano.

And within minutes the gaurds are on he pressing her down to the floor"hey what are you doing ,Luciano help me get them off they are hurting me".

" Tell me why I shouldn't order them to break your hand Courtney,you dare to raise your hand at my son and call him a brat in my house",I say and glare at her.

" Lotus she didn't mean it ,you know Courtney is too impulsive", Luciano tells to speak up for her but I cut him off with my hand and turn my attention back to Courtney.

"This is the woman you want to marry Luciano,after seeing that she tried to harm our son ,you. dare defend her,is this how she will be behaving with the kids ,if you go ahead and marry her my kids will never be around or near her, I'll make sure of it even if it means you don't get to see them as well",I say and look him in the eye.

" Teach Miss Courtney not to raise her hand on other people's children",I say and smirk just then a pop sound is heard she screams out in pain."oh shut up he just dislocated your shoulder,go to the hospital and they'll pop it right back in",I say and hug my son.

" Lotus are you crazy,what the hell ,have you gone mad", Luciano says and helps Courtney to get up , who's screaming hesterically,he leads her to a room and calls a doctor over.

My mom and dad look at me like I have grown three heads,hey who can blame me my child has been kidnapped by my ex-husband,the man I love is getting married to another woman and I barely got any sleep,so excuse me for being bitchy.

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