chapter nine

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Luciano's POV

I can't believe this so the prodigal daughter returns I better go see this for myself,I remember when Troy and his wife wouldn't want to talk about her. I can't believe a woman could be this cruel all because of love she took away everything her parents entrusted her with and handed it over to her husband,that has now left her.

She doesn't value her parents I'd give anything to have my parents with me even if I'd have to spend only a few minutes with them.

Troy knew my dad back in high school and they kept in touch till my parents died,I was only five. That is why I knew he was the only one that could help me when I was in financial criss,I couldn't just sell this land to anyone,it was my grandmother's pride. She raised me when my parents died and I was only seven.

I'm looking at the area where a pest was beginning to attack the vines and my cousin Enzo walks up to me .

"Cousin you should see the Biltran's daughter, she's so sexy and gorgeous", I roll my eyes,of course he'd find her gorgeous it won't be long before he tries to get in her pants.

"You know she got a kid right and another on the way",Troy called me and was so excited about having grandchildren.

"Yes I know and i wouldn't mind being a step father if it meant I'd hit that everyday", I must admit I did look her up on the internet and she truly is gorgeous she is as pretty as a lotus.

"So I heard you and Marie spent the night together, I don't blame you cousin she is a pretty little thing",i knew she wouldn't keep her mouth shut ,it was a mistake a drunken one at that. Now the whole of Rome will know Luciano Ricci fucked some maid. I've really made a name for myself with the wine I'm producing the loto di vetro. The best selling wine in all of Europe and Asia. Troy named it,it was the least I could do after helped serve what my grandmother and parents worked hard for,I couldn't lose the winery and vineyard at the same time.

Before I reply to him a small boy bumps into me,I catch him before he falls and looks up at me"oh sorry Mister I didn't see you ,hello Enzo, I'm running from my mom I want to play in the vines but she won't let me".

He is a really cute boy with midnight dark hair and green eyes,so this is her son. But why would her husband abandon her and his kids. Enzo walks up to us and lifts him up,just then we hear a voice calling out for Liam.

"Oh no ,I guess you're in big trouble buddy let's take you back to your mom before she becomes worried",Enzo says, well I tag along, I might as well met her.

Just as we are about to round the corner someone else bumps into me and I stop them from falling just then a scent of coconut,almonds and vanilla hits me,she smells good,I can't help but inhale her scent deeper.

I steady her on her feet I look straight into deep honey brown eyes,she really is beautiful. I can see that she's checking me out and I'm not surprised I'm to getting such attention from most women and a few men.

"Take a picture it will last longer bella signora",I say and she frowns,she really is cute . She looks up at me and I can't help but smirk in amusement.

She tells me she's looking for her son, and Enzo steps in to tell her , he's safe and is with us.

I can see that she was panicked as relief washes over her face. Enzo walks off with the boy and I know she'll walk off soon so I try to prolong our encounter by taunting her a little.

"So the prodigal daughter returns",I say as I cross my arms and I notice how she looks at my muscles.

"Excuse me Mr gorgeous sexy Adonis looking stranger,how dare you talk to me like that",she says and it is music to my ears,I get this warm feeling in my stomach,she is really is gorgeous and now I know what people mean by love at first sight.

That doesn't sit well with me so I go on and say,"the name's Luciano I manage your parents vine,just to make it clear you being here won't change anything". If this lady thinks she'll ruin what her dad and I have built she has another this coming,and if she thinks her being my partner's daughter will get her a higher position she's so wrong she'll have to work her way from bottom.

I walk round her and comment. I don't know why I'm acting this way but the thought of falling in love with this gorgeous woman is not sitting well with me.

She's so upset and pokes and asks who the hell I think I am so I'll tell her ,she like a little feisty mouse, she's really entertaining".

But I'll leave because I need to discuss something with her dad so I walk away and leave her embarrassed after answering her. I smirk as I walk away I mean she asked.

I head to my Ferrari and grab a spare shirt and head up to Troy's office. On my way I meet Marie just the person I wanted to see.

"Look here little girl,we fucked so what? there is no need to spread it all out for all of Italy to hear, listen because I won't repeat myself,if you continue speaking nosense I'll have you fired, understood?"and put emphasis by shaking her a little bit.

"Yes ",she whimpers and I let her go .

I reach Troy's office and knock .

"Hey son,I hope you've met my daughter lotus?",he says offering me a smile.

" Yeah, she's your splitting image",I say and get on with business.

Troy later tells me to give her something to do, since she's pregnant I can't make her work in the fields and we'll be soon harvesting she can't be in the sun all day,so I tell Troy she can be my assistant at the winery.

Now that will be interesting he gives me her number and I promise to call her and tell her about the job.

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