chapter nineteen

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I look at the building that my ex husband's company owns and I sigh and enter , today is going to be a long way. I told my lawyer to tell him that the second largest shareholder wants to met him. Nick doesn't it's me though,I didn't want Camille finding out about my visit I want no drama.

I enter and the receptionist smiles at me"long time no see Mrs Lunchester".

I stop in my tracks and turn to her it's"Miss Biltran now Betty, remember that from now on",I get into the elevator and head to his office. God give me strength.

I reach the floor and all my ex husband's employees stop in their tracks,I don't blame them , I've changed too, I'm wearing a tight burgundy Chanel dress,and child birth made my curves even bigger.

I smile at them and head to the conference room, I phase at the door, well here goes nothing. I step inside and I see Nick and his financial advisor Micheal.

They stop their conversation and Nick drops his coffee. I smirk and take a seat.

"Hello boys long time no see",I say and a young lady offers me some coffee. I can see they are still dumbstruck,so I take in this opportunity to take Nick in.

His hair has grown and is brushing his forehead and I see a little stumble of beard growning and I must say he looks rather exhausted.

"What are you doing here Lotus, we're kinda expecting someone,we can talk later so wait in my office",he says.

I chuckle and hand some paperwork to Micheal. " Oh dear, she's the largest shareholder Nick, she's the one we're expecting", he says after reading through and hands it over to Nick.

"Let me cut to chase ,Nick we need to talk ,in private",I say and look at Michael,to signal him to leave.

"Michael is not going anyway say whatever you have to right here",he says, he's still a jerk.

" I need your help,I don't know how you'll take this but please listen to me",I take a deep breath and continue" when we got divorced I was pregnant",I say and look at him.

He laughs and says" you're barren you can never have children".

I hand him the file with Marianna's information and all the DNA tests I did with the sample of hair I got before leaving.

"We have a daughter Nick she just turned three,her name is Marianna , she's really sick,she has lymphoma Nick my baby could die. She needs a bone marrow transplant from her parents or direct family",I say as a tear rolls down my face.

You looks at me and then at the file" how do I know you're not lying to me".

" Nick you're telling me I'd fly all the way from Italy just to tell you lies?,you and your son Keith need to come with me to Italy and take the test to see if you're eligible donors",I plead" please Nick save our daughter".

"Why didn't you tell me about her ,this could have changed everything Lotus we'd still be together and would have raised this child together",he says and runs a hand through his hair" I would have never divorced you".

"What about Camille and her child Nick?, even if I told you about my pregnancy the fact would still remain that you cheated on me and had a child with another woman,so spare me that bullshit.

"You're not any better yourself Lotus, your wicked how could you keep my child from me,if she hadn't got sick would you have told me, Lotus,I will go to Italy with you and I'll make up some excuse to get Keith with me so Camille doesn't lose her shit and I want you to know one thing Lotus when all of this is done and my child is well I'm fighting you for custody",he says and slams his hands on the table.

"I'd like to see you try and take away my child, I'm not the Lotus you knew Nick, I'm one of the richest women in Italy,I opened one of the best winery's in the world, I'm a billionaire, I'd buy this company and pay twice the amount,try me Nick ,just try and take my child away from me and I'll strip you of everything you own",I say and stand up. " We leave tonight don't way about how you're get there I'll send a driver for you here at 7 PM,have a good day gentlemen", I say and walk out.

I lay in my hotel room and hope that Nick manages to bring his son . The one he rejected my Liam for. I here a knock and go to open the door.

"Enzo?!,what the hell are you doing here,did Luciano send?" Oh my God I can't believe this.

" Yes and I couldn't say no because I had to look after my cousins woman that should have been mine", I roll my eyes and pinch him,there he goes flirting with me.

"Come on let's go down to the bar and have a few drinks",I drag him down at the cocktail bar ,so we can pass time. We spend time drinking shot after shot and I feel like I'm walking on clouds. We make our way to my room and I check out of the hotel. My drive then takes us to the airport. The sun has gone down and it's a little chilly so Enzo gives me his jacket.

We get out and I see Nick standing with a little boy with caramel hair. So we walk up to them ,to prevent me from falling Enzo places his arm on the small of my back.

"Oh hey there,this must be Kieth",I try to shake the little boys hand but he looks away and hides behind his father,what did I expect he has the same rotten manners like his parents.

"Lotus don't worry, I'll do anything to save our child",Nick holds my hands in his, and looks into my eyes like he used to when we were in love. I giggle and Enzo clears his throat.

"Oh Nick this is Enzo my fiancee's cousin and Enzo this is Nickolas my ex husband",I say and introduce them.

" Fiancee you got engaged, congratulations",he says and clears his throat.

We make our way into our private jet. And take our seats, waiting for take off.

"You'll be staying with us during your stay in Italy,we have plenty of room at home",I tell Nick.

" Are you sure ,we don't want to impose, I already booked a room in a hotel in Rome",Nick says and gives me a smile.

" Yeah Lotus, don't you think they'll be more comfortable in a hotel than in a home full of strangers?", Enzo asks.

" Nosense, it's better that way trust me, besides we'll be at the hospital most of the time and Nick didn't bring his personal assistant to help take care of Keith",I say and take a sip of the wine the air hostess served us.

Enzo has fallen asleep and Keith was taken to the cabin. So it's just Nick and I.

"Do you think you and Liam can ever forgive me?", Nick asks.

" I forgave you a long time ago Nick ,I had to for me to move on with my life",I say.

" Don't you think this is a sign?",he asks,why is is asking so many questions like his the drunk one.

"A sign for what Nick?",I ask.

"A sign that we need to work things out between us,that you and I are meant to be,that we are being given a second chance to be a family",he says.

I laugh he can't be serious" Nick there is nothing to work out ,the past should be left in the past, you're married with a kid and I'm getting married so please don't get it twisted we're here to help Marianna that's it".

" I'm sorry but just think about it okay",he says and I turn away and try to get some sleep. A second chance? What the hell is he talking about?, could it be maybe he's right? Or I'm just drunk?yeah I'm just drunk.

Could it be? is the universe giving them a second chance? Does she love him enough to get back with him? Does she want her family back?

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