chapter eighteen

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What's with the loud banging,I grab a pillow and put it on my head, Luciano chuckles and goes to answer the door.

"Dad Mari is on the floor and is not walking up",I hear Liam cry desperate. This has me raising from the bed , Luciano who's just in sweat pants rushes to the kids room . I quickly get up and quickly put a robe on and wear my slippers. I grab Luciano a shirt as well.

I find Luciano with Mari in his hands and I feel like a rug has been swept under my feet.

"Enzo start the car damnit!",he yells.

" What's wrong honey my mom asks",I don't answer because I feel like I'll be wasting time . I grab my keys and run out the door to start the car.

Luciano gets in the back with Mari in his hands and mom in the front,I don't even bother for the seatbelt and I step on the gas and drive like hell is after me.

My mom gets out the car before I can even stop the car" a doctor we need a doctor!",and nurses rush out with a stretcher,they put my baby on the stretcher and Luciano goes to pack the car.

"What happened",the doctor asks.

"She woke up and was about to head down stairs with her brother when she just fainted", i tell the doctor who says they run some tests.

We've been waiting in the lobby for two hours now . And I can't help but sob, Luciano holds me tight and whispers soathing words to me, Dad and arrived a few minutes after we got here. Liam is home with Katherine.

"Why are they taking so damn long",my dad says and pulls on his hair. He does that when he's really upset. My mom leads him to the cafeteria so be could calm down.

The doctor walks to us and tells us to follow him to the office so Luciano and I go with him.

"Doctor please tell me what's wrong with our daughter",I plead.

" Haven't you noticed anything strange happening to your daughter,like loss of appetite or bleeding from the nose",he asks.

" No I haven't and I'm sure if her nanny noticed anything she would have told me",I say and exchange looks with Luciano.

"We've done tests and have found your daughter with lymphoma, I'm sorry",he says.

Oh my God my poor baby.

" We will need to admit her and admit high doses of chemotherapy,the chemotherapy will kill the cancer cells but will also kill her stem cells in her bone marrow that make new blood cells so she'll need an allogeneic transplant where we get stem cells taken from a donor, does Marianna have any direct siblings?",he says.

" No she doesn't doctor",I answer.

"Oh I see,then will have test and see if both parents are a match for her,just follow me so I can get both of you tested",he says and Luciano and I exchange looks.

"Her dad is in the United States doctor, Luciano is her step father",I say.

" Then I suggest you call him so he can come and take the test", and my throat runs dry" in the meantime follow me Miss Biltran so we can run the test".

Luciano promises to let everyone know what the doctor has said.

I follow the doctor and he runs the test. After I'm done I make my way to the room my bluebell is staying in.i knock and enter, seeing me my parents embrace me and I really needed it. Enzo kisses my forehead and I sit on the bed next to my baby,my sweet child Marianna.

"How did I not notice before that my child was my sick , I've been too busy working I neglected children, I'm a horrible mother Luciano",I say and sob.

My baby places her hand on mine and I look down at her" sowie mommy don't cry, I'll be fine,Mari be okay, I love you to the moon n back",I finish the sentence with her . I kiss her forehead and wipe my tears.

Luciano,Enzo and I go home to shower and change so we can later stay in the hospital with Mari. Immediately we reach home I make my way to my kids room and I go through their dirty laundry and I find a dress with blood stains,why didn't Marie say anything about this.

I make my way to the kitchen where ei find Luciano telling Liam that his sister is going to be fine and he can visit her.

Marie is busy washing the dishes when I turn her around and slap her, before she recovers from the first slap I give her another one.

"Lotus what has come over you?", Luciano says as he pulls me away from Marie.

"Hold me Luciano before I kill her ,you better hold me tight or else I'll commit murder,Marie you noticed that my daughter was bleeding yet you said nothing and kept quiet!",I scream at her, Katherine takes Liam away.

"You little bitch why didn't you say anything, you were hired to take care of the kids, because of you my child may die if we don't find a donor,if you brought this matter before us ,she would have gotten the help she needed, Marie I swear if anything happens to Marianna I'll kill you myself",I say and break down in Luciano's arms," she didn't say anything Luciano, Marianna would have been helped before hand",I say and cry.

I later calm down and shower and get a few clothes for Mari and her favorite blankie.

"So what are you going to do now ,how are you going to tell you ex husband,that he has a daughter that is sick and may need his bone marrow?",Enzo asks.

Luciano holds my hand reassuringly" I'll have to tell him on person, I'll fly to L A tonight and I'll drag him here my hook or crook". I hope Nick takes this well and comes to do the test,his son must do the test as well, I just hope Camille will let her son save my child.

To be continued. A visit to the past

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