chapter forty three

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Four months later.....

"Luciano go away,you can't see the bride in her wedding dress, it's bad luck",I say for the hundredth time to the man trying to break through my door.

"Stop saying that you'll jinx our wedding day,all I want is to take a tiny peak,I just want to see how beautiful you look",he says.

Arhggggg today is our wedding day , I'm so excited, it's been a rough road but we finally made it.

"Lotus my love come open the door",he calls out again.

" No dad!!!,take him away!"I  scream and it takes a lot of pulling on their part to finally get Luciano to leave,it is going to be a small beautiful ceremony here at the vineyard.

"So are you excited,look I packed your suitcase for you", Giovanna says.

" What Giovanna there's barely any clothes and just lingerie in here",I look at her in disbelief.

" That's the while point of a honeymoon,sex by the fire all night,silk sheets and some strawberry champagne",she says and does a little dance.

" What that's not how the lyrics go",I say.

" Whatever",she says and rolls her eyes taking a swing of some champagne.

"Will you stop drinking",I say.

"No I won't I need it,my girl is getting married and we'll no longer go on trips together because I'm now the third wheel",she says.

" But you're my favorite third wheel and we'll always go for trips together",I tell her.

" Pinky promise?",she says making me laugh." Yeah pinky promise".

"Alright I've already packed your suitcase, everyone is ready,time to go sweetheart",my mom says " I never got the chance to see you marry the first time but now I do, I'm so happy for you, sweetie",she says.

" Oh mommy don't cry,or else you'll make me cry as well",I say and hug her.

" Yeah you're make a bad sexy bitch like me cry too and that's not cool", Giovanna says.

We hear a knock at the door " Lotus honey are you ready?", my dad says "I'm so proud of you",my mom says and she and Giovanna leave.

"Yeah dad , I'm ready",I say and walk out.

" Thank God because Luciano is going crazy downstairs",he says and kisses my forehead " you look amazing my princess",he smiles and says.

" Thank you Daddy",I say and hug him " okay enough tough guys like me don't cry and I have to look intimidating to Luciano",he says making me laugh the wedding planner hands me my bouquet of flowers and helps me get downstairs,I know I said I wanted a small and simple ceremony but my dress is anything but that,I spent a fortune on it.

"Mommy you look like a princess,I wanna get married too",Mari says as soon as she sees me.

" All in due time sweetie",I say.

And the classical band we hired starts playing the music. My heart is beating so fast I can't control it,my dad begins walking me down the isle and I see the love of my life waiting for me and the look he's giving me makes me blush. "Wow ",he says as my dad hands me to him and he immediately pulls me into his arms and kisses me passionately making everyone laugh.

The priest begins the ceremony and it's time to say our vows.

"Lotus ,I love you", Luciano says and takes a deep breath and blinks so to stop his tears making Enzo pat him on the back."I will comfort you in difficult times,be open and honest with you,I look forward to falling in love with you over and over again each day for the rest of my life . I promise to remember that neither one of us is perfect,but strive to remind myself of the ways we are perfect for each other",he says and I see him fail to hold back his tears. And he places the right on my finger.

"Luciano,I choose you,I dare dream again,I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you,it is clear to me now that everything in my life has lead me to you,I look back to my choice including the bad ones,but you've loved me despite my short comings, I'd choose you in a hundred life times in a hundred worlds in any version of reality, I'd find you and choose you because you're perfect, perfect for me and I'll love you now and forever eternally",I say.

" Oh this is beautiful", Giovanna sobs making Edward carry her away.

"I now pronounce you Man and wife ,you may kiss your bride again",the priest says making everyone else laugh, Luciano and eye kiss and only break the kiss when I feel a tug on my dress and turn to see Antonio and Angelo motioning to be picked up. I lift Antonio while Luciano lifts Angelo.

I can't believe it even as I dance in the arms of my husband and listen to the beat of his heart,yeah he is now my husband, I'm Mrs Ricci,I can't believe it.

"Why are you so quiet", Luciano asks me.

I look up to him and smile " I can't believe you are finally mine",I say and kiss him.

" You better hold on tight because today is going to be a long night principessa,I can't wait to ravish you",he whispers making my throat dry and another place moist.

The End.

As you may have noticed my work may I have some grammatical errors,I plan on re-editing it at some point you can help me with small donations,you don't have to but you can do it out of your own free will and goodness,if you're willing to do so ,you can do it at the link below. Your help will be highly appreciated.

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