chapter twenty six

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I stand and stare at the gates of the school and I see students walk around in their uniforms and my heart starts beating so fast,my mom holds my hand reassuringly and I smile at her. We find someone waiting for us that leads us to the principal's office.

The principal whom we find outside the office welcomes us and hands me the keys to his office,I take a deep breath and with a little push from my mother I get in.

I see him sitting and facing away from me ,so I slick the door and he turns he's head to me panicking.

When we look at each other and he frowns and turns away from me"what are you doing here mother",he asks and my heart skips a beat because it's been so long since I heard him call me mother ,it sounds without emotion but it's still something.

"I'm here to see you" I take a sit near him and stare at the wall like he's doing,I take out a piece of paper and hand it to him but he hesitantly takes it "Marianna drew it for you.....Liam my love I'm so sorry",I turn to face him and slowly touch his hand ,he doesn't snatch it back and I'm relieved.

"I know I ruined everything,I can never justify why I hurt your dad and I really hope one day he can forgive, I'm so sorry and I can't do this alone,I need my son with me,I need the person I love the most in this world and if I could turn back time I would do it if it means you won't hate me, please forgive me Liam,I know I was stupid,grown ups make mistakes as well,but I promise I'll find a way to make everything better, I'll do whatever it takes but I need you by my side,so please forgive me".

He faces me and just like me he's crying too" I don't hate you,I can never hate you, you're my mother and I love you,I was just so upset because you were finally happy and you let that man ruin our family,I know you said he was your first love but he's not your true love mom,my dad Luciano is ,I just wanted you to be happy",he says and hugs me.

" Does this mean you forgive me?",I ask.

" You may be stupid but you're still my mother and I love you so yes I forgive you", he says.

" I will let that slide just for today, and I love you too,to the moon and back",I say and kiss his forehead." So when the school year is over would you like to come back to Italy.

"Yeah that's cool because I miss Marianna and uncle Enzo and Grandpa promised to take me biking",he says.

" Earlier when I locked the door why did you panic",I ask him.

" Because I thought you were my principal and we're going to rape me",he says.

" Why would you think he was going to rape you does he act inappropriately with you?".

" No I just found it weird that he would close the door,it was really creepy and it was the first thing that came to my mind besides he can't rape me I'm a Ricci",he says and I just laugh.

" Wanna have lunch with me and grandma?",I ask him as I unlock the door.

" I have class".

"Well now you don't".

" But...".

" No buts your mother is a billionaire,you can do anything you want",I say and we find my mom waiting outside.She sees us holding hands and she hugs us both.

We leave and drive to the hotel we're staying at order burgers I'm in the mood for burgers,our suite has a jacuzzi so the three of us get in .

I see Liam looking at me strangely. So I ask him what's wrong.

"So those are Nick's babies?,"He asks.

"Yeah",I answer and take a bite out of my burger."are you sure",he continues. I look at him and giggle"of course I'm sure ,why do you ask ?".

" Maybe there was a mistake,I mean weren't you and Dad having.....",my mother stops him before he can finish.

"Yes I'm sure honey the doctor said so",I say ,I take this chance to get something out of him" so Liam when last did you speak to your Dad?".

" Last week he called and we spoke ,he said he is in France Paris actually",he says.

" Oh France?",I ask and my mother looks at me suspiciously."don't even think about it",she mouths to me.

But it's too late,I have to see Luciano even if it is from afar, because even if we were to come face to face what would I say ,I don't care though I have to see him. So that night after dropping Liam off at school I call Giovanna.

"Hey",I whisper.

"Hey why are you whispering,are you in trouble, it's that bastard Nick that has you hostage isn't,it I know it, I'm coming with my shotgun, I'm coming over right now",she says and I just laugh and shake my head.

"Why are you laughing kidnapped people don't laugh",she says.And I can imagine her placing her hands on her waist.

"I'm in London,I heard Luciano is in Paris, wanna have a stake out?",I ask her.

" Yeah as long as we visit,Dior while we're there and you're paying for everything and why the hell are you whispering?".

" Because I'm calling you from the bathroom and I don't want my mom to hear me and of course I'll pay for everything but why are you whispering?".

" I'm whispering because you're whispering",she says

" Fine I'll be back tomorrow afternoon and we can leave the day after", I say.

" Okay you're the boss and it's your money",she says and giggles.

" Whatever, goodnight",I say.

"Goodnight bella signora",she says and hangs up.

Bella signora, Luciano sounded sexy calling me that,I sigh and go back to bed,mom and I decided to sleep together after a movie marathon that we had.

Paris,what is he doing in Paris?

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