chapter thirty

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Today is a busy day everyone is running around making sure the twins birthday party is magnificent,the twins are turning a year old, Marianna is better her hair has grown and my baby is now cancer free. Liam and I are closer than ever. Nick and I are now really good friends he's there for the kids and I. Giovanna and Edward are taking things slow. And my parents moved back to the United States but come to visit very often.

On of the security guards comes up to me and tells me there is a man outside who wants to get in but doesn't have an invitation and it's too early for the guests to start arriving so I take Angelo with me and get on the golf cart and follow him to try and sort out the situation.

We reach the gate and I see a black sports car,the owner drops the window and says"I didn't know that I'm no longer welcome".

" Enzo long time no see, it's good to see you, the kids haven't seen you for a year,I tried calling you but you don't pick up",I say while I try to get my hair from Angelo's hand,he is a foodie he'll put anything in his mouth.

"I've been busy,I came by to see the Liam and Mari",he answers indifferently . I tell the guards to let him open the gates and let him in whenever he comes by.

The guard drives me back to the house and the preparations are done ,I go in to get the children ready because the guests will be arriving here any moment now.

The twins are wearing the same white onesies and Mari is dressed in a pretty white princess dress,Liam is wearing a white shirt and blue slacks and my baby looks so handsome.

Giovanna and I carry the twins and begin welcoming the guests. She hasn't stopped talking about me telling Luciano the truth about the twins. But I can't be selfish, he's finally happy I don't want to be a stumbling block for him and that woman.

Nick arrives and I hand Antonio to him and help my mom receive the gifts. They flew here a week before and my mom and Giovanna planned everything they didn't even include me or ask my opinion. These two are a force to be reckoned with with when it comes to anything that has to do with the kids.

I remember when Giovanna hit a kid that tried to bully Liam at school. I was so embarrassed,the two of them sulked the whole way home after I scolded them. Mari is being homeschooled but she'll be going to a regular school next month and has been troubling me saying she wants her dad to send her off on the first day. I'll have to tell Enzo to relay the message to Luciano. Now that I think about it it's strange that Enzo came here today and chose to appear on the twin's birthday. Anyway I'll just brush it off.

All the guests arrive and the party is in full swing the employees from the my winery and Ricci winery are all here,so everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves. They can't have enough of the twins.

I leave the twins in my mom's care and go inside to help Mari change her dress because she got cake all over it,now I spent a fortune on this dress when Mari saw it when we went shopping,she screamed her head off until I bought it. It's just that My dad,Enzo , Luciano,Nick and Edward spoil are with always sending her gifts.

"Mari I told to be careful now look what you did,you ruined this beautiful dress",I say as I wipe the cake off her face.

"Uncle Enzo said it doesn't matter he and daddy will get me lot's of dresses and Uncle Nick said my dress wasn't complete he is going to buy me a tiara",she says and continues chatting animatedly on everything she's getting. We had to renovate her room so everything can fit ,we donated some but it's still too much , I'll have to take to the boys about this, she's becoming a mean spoilt little girl and it's not good for her.

After we're done we head done stairs to the backyard ,I meet on of our partners that supply us with grapes and begin chatting and just then I hear her Mari  scream "Daddy!".

She screams and runs towards the man she's so excited to see, everyone including me turns to look to the direction she run to. Just then I see a family mop of hair bend down and embrace her , Liam also runs towards him.

I drop the champagne glass in my hand and the man looks at me,what the hell is Luciano doing here,I look at Giovanna and she's also looking at me. Edward rushes to my side and asks if I'm alright.

And I assure him I'm okay and Luciano makes he's way to us with Mari in his arm while he holds Liam in the other and this is when I notice the stunning blonde woman standing next to him. She's tall and skinny unlike me who is now curvier because of child birth and I'm jealous because her and Luciano look like they are my kids parents.

"Mom I invited dad and he came,I hope that's okay",Liam says and I just slowly nod my head.

"Miss Biltran long time no see",he says and looks at Edward who's standing besides me and smirks" so now it's the doctor",he says.

Mari laughs and says"no daddy uncle Edward is Aunt Giovanna's boyfriend mom is sad and lonely just like Uncle Nick",she says and I glare at her " sorry mommy".

"Mr Ricci welcome back, it's good to see you and who's this?",I ask and look at the woman next to him. The woman next to the love of my life.

She extends her hand and introdruces herself "I'm Cortney Storm Luciano's fiancé",she says and I look at her extended hand that is adorned by the same ring he proposed to me with and it's a slap on my face  I don't shake it. "Pardon my boss Miss Stiorm but my boss is a clean freak", Giovanna who I didn't notice was standing next to me says.

I can't believe this fiancé? Seriously? He's really moved on.

Just the Enzo clears his throat to break the awkwardness "please enjoy yourselves and make your selves at home".

" Mom can we show daddy Antonio and Angelo?", Marianna asks.

" So they are twins congratulations", Cortney says and hands me a small bag, Giovanna takes it and thanks her.

"No your brothers are tired and need to rest Mari ,maybe next time", I say and walk away.

I get into my room and tears stream down my face , Giovanna the enters after me and gives me a hug." This is your chance Lotus tell him ,tell him that Antonio and Angelo are his kids,tell him the truth and I'm sure he'll leave that Botox Barbie".

" Really Giovanna it's too late to do so, he's engaged their probably getting married,I don't want to look like the crazy ex that's trying to break them up",I say and wipe my nose .

" You're not carzy , you're rich but Luciano deserves to know and who cares what people think you're Lotus Biltran, you're an amazing mother ,a gorgeous woman and the richest woman in all of Italy and my personal ATM,other people's opinions don't matter, the important thing is that Luciano knows that Antonio and Angelo are his kids and t,he twins deserve to grow with their dad besides them this is not about how you feel or how this will affect his engagement to that woman,what really matters is what is best for Antonio and Angelo and if you won't think about what is good for them I am more than happy to help you",she says.

Just then the door burst open and an angry and shocked voice says"the twins are mine!".

My eyes go wide and I turn face to face with Luciano, damnit, shit just went down the drain and he looks pissed as hell.

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