chapter twenty nine

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It's the day we find out what the results of the DNA will be,after the police went to question Mari's doctor he was found dead and the closed the case saying it was a suicide and my doctor has gone missing it seems we'll never know why they lied to Nick and I,maybe it was an honest mistake we'll never know.

The police said Mari's doctor found out about the mistake he made and maybe killed himself to avoid being sued and losing his license and about my doctor they don't know why she disappeared,I may understand maybe Mari's doctor did make a mistake but my gynaecologist too now that's suspicious.

Marianna's surgery transplant and was successful her body is responding well and she is also recovery as well.

Everyone is here waiting for the results even Nick ,I feel so bad for him,he looks like he's not been sleeping well. I know deep down that he knows the twins ain't his,but seeing him hold on to the little hope that he has is heart breaking.

He came straight from the winery,work there has been hectic with me going on matanity leave and temporarily making him the acting Manager and him being in charge of the production department is taking it's toil on him.

With everything going on who wouldn't be stressed.

The doctor walks in and hands me the results Nick comes to stand besides me and we both open the little envelope and look at the results.

"So what does it say ?", Giovanna asks impatiently.

" They are not my kids",Nick answers before me and walks out.

Giovanna suddenly removes a bottle of wine and opens it she takes a paper cup out and pours some for herself."I knew it those kids are Luciano's they are pure bred Riccis, ain't life good".

" Are you serious you're in a hospital", Edward says.

" Oh shut up will you doctor boy",she says and takes swing it of her cup.

My mother gets the bottle from her and takes a swing too she then hands it to my dad who does the same.

Giovanna hands me my phone"what are you waiting for call him",she says.

" No ,no one will say a thing to Luciano or Enzo . Luciano moved on we're not going to ruin his chance of being happy,no one is to say a thing I forbid all of you", I say and look at the DNA results again.

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