chapter thirty Seven

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The office has been busy lately, Luciano and I haven't really had time to speak, whenever he drops by to see the kids he just acts like he has not seen me, it's really frustrating.

So during lunch I drive to his office,we are going to talk and sought this out.

I enter his office and I don't even knock and just let myself in,I find him and Courtney and by the looks of things she's picking out her wedding dress. Immediately I enter their attention falls on me and I give them both a wide grin Courtney rolls her eyes and Luciano narrows his eyes.

"Luciano we need to talk" I say and sit across of them.

" What do you what Lotus if you want to talk to Luciano you can do it another time right now him and I are preparing for our wedding",she says and I just ignore her and look at Luciano.

"Courtney please leave",he says.

"Yes leave ,wait a minute while do I have to leave Luciano", Courtney yells. " I'm not going anywhere she can say whatever she has to say in front of me because I'm your fiancee",.

" Not for long",I say to myself but loud enough for them to hear.

"What did you just say".

"Look Luciano are you going to tell her or continue being a coward about it?,tell her the truth,you can't marry her and you won't".

" Luciano what did this bitch just say to me,what the hell is she talking about", Courtney looks in between the two of ".

" Luciano and I had sex the time when we went to New York",I say and lean back.

" What!, don't tell me you're pregnant because I already have enough with those bastard little kids of yours",she says.

" Courtney what the hell did you just say!", Luciano asks her.

" Don't look at me like that you know ,the little girl and boy ain't yours but I tolerate them because you like them so much",she says but before she can say one more word I slap her across the face.

"Luciano this is the woman,you bring around my children?",I ask him.

" Our children, Lotus and what the hell Courtney!,how can you say that about my kids",he angeryly looks at her.

" She just slapped me and you're talking nosense about those kids, I'm not even sure the two twin boys are yours, and if you think for one second that just because you had sex with Luciano I'll call off the wedding then you played yourself",she says but it's Luciano who slaps her this time.

"Get the hell out , we'll talk at home",he yells and we both flinch back he really is upset while that serves her right.

When she leaves he turns to me and glares at me"what ?".

"What the hell Lotus,you really what to ruin my engagement don't",he says.

" Of course, I do Luciano, I'll do anything in my power to stop you from getting married and making you mine again, I'll do whatever it takes",I say and kiss him. He kisses me back but later pushes me away. " See you crave for me just as I do you,you love me and soon I'll make you accept it Luciano".

" So you can cheat on me again, and break my heart,no Lotus I won't be played for a fool again",he says and sits down.

" What do I have to do,to show you that I'm really sorry, that I love and I want you back,what will it take for you to forgive me",I say and sit on his laps and stroke his face.

"Don't do this Lotus,I want to forget but each time I see the both of you I imagine the two of you together",I sigh and get up.

" Do you really want me to stop and let you get married",I ask him and he looks anywhere but me.

"Look at me Luciano don't I have a chance?",I ask and he closes his eyes and swallows hard.

"No ,not when you keep that bastard near",he says and it knocks the air out of me,I don't even remember what happened that night,I just woke and Nick told me that he had a wonderful night.

I slowly get up and walk out of the office. I pick my kids from school.

"Hey mom",they both say and each give me a kiss. "Why do you look sad mommy",Mari asks and I just smile at her and tell her not to worry. "Did you and Daddy fight,are you upset that he's marrying Miss Courtney,I don't what him to marry him either,why ain't the two of you getting married all my friends parents are married",she says and pouts.

I assure her that everything is fine and offer to buy them ice cream. Liam stays quiet the whole time and I wonder what's going through his mind.

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