Why Me?

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-Nico's POV-

All I had done Monday morning was go to visit Percy. It had been two weeks since I had run into Steve and Bucky and we kept in touch. And sadly they had not been there when this happened.

I was walking down the street, head down, shoulders hunched. I just had to tough it out so I could visit Percy. He wanted to talk about something and of course made me come to his place instead of him coming to Will and I's apartment. There was shouting but I didn't think much of it, after all I was in New York. And then the guy grabbed me.

I was yanked infront of this guy. He was holding me firmly and had a knife to my throat. I sighed in annoyance. Of course something like this had to happen. Three people appeared infront of us. I recognized them as the Avengers from what Steve and Bucky had told me.

"Let the kid go." Said Iron Man. I steadied my breathing.

"And why should I-" I cut the guy off by elbowing him in the gut, twisting his arm around so he dropped the knife. I kicked his knee causing him to face plant into the ground. I had the knife in my hand.

"Silver." I hummed, flipping it up in the air and catching it. "Not bad." I threw it at Hawkeye who caught it before turning and continueing on my way.

"Wait- kid!" The archer shouted after me. I rolled my eyes but turned back to him.

"What?" I asked.

"Come with us, we need to ask some questions." I stared at them for a few seconds.

"Questions or locking up?" I asked. It was their turn to stare.

"Questions." Black Widow said. "We need to find out how you did that." I shrugged.

"Simple, my dad's side of the family taught me." I said.

"Just come on." Iron Man clearly wanted to get this over with.

"Well fine." I huffed moving back over to them. Before I could protest Iron Mna had picked me up and flew away. "Holy schist!" I shouted. "What the frick!"

"Do you have something against swearing?" Iron Man asked.

"Shut it." I hissed. We landed on Stark Tower and he set me down. I stumbled before falling on my face. I could hear his suit retracting around him. "Never. Again." I pulled myself up.

"Come on." Tony Stark said, nodding to the door. I begrudgingly followed him in. He sat me in a interogation room.

Fifteen minutes later and Natasha Romanoff walked in. She dropped a file on the table and took the seat across from me. My brow furrowed. They had a file on me?

"Nico Di Angelo?" She asked.

"What." I sighed.

"I took the liberty of getting your file from SHEILD. Where did you dissapear to since..." Her eyes widened. "1942?!"

"Well at first I was in some sort of weird hotel. It made time all wonky causing me to not age. When my cousin got me out of there he took me to a summer camp." I shrugged. Romanoff muttered something under her breath.

"And how did you take that guy out?" She asked.

"My dad's side of the family taught me how to fight." I answered. "Anything else?"

"Any living relatives?"

"Half sister named Hazel. My cousins Percy, Jason, Thalia."

"Do you know anything about the kids dissapearing for the summers from the US or sometimes completely dissapearing." Of course this wasn't just about how I managed to escape. God I was stupid. I was just a bystander and this happened.

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