Not Again

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"Jackson!" Annabeth quite literally stormed up to our table. Percy looked up from his plate of fries. The daughter of Athena looked flustered, her hair loses over her shoulders instead of in a ponytail and her cheeks dusted pink.

"Annabeth." Percy replied, smirking slightly. I glanced over at Will, who seemed to find this quite funny.

"What the hell was that!?" My eyes flew back over to Annabeth, who had her hand son her hips, one of which was pushed out to the side.

"What was what?" Percy asked innocently.

"Before class?" Her grew redder. "Why the ha- hell would you do that!?"

"What? Catch you?" Percy quirked an eyebrow.

"I didn't need your help." Annabeth snapped.

"Really? Cause it sure seemed like you did."

Before the blonde could reply, the air shimmered infront of Will. I panicked as an IM came to existence, my first instinct to cut through it. However upon seeing Apollo on the other side I stopped myself.

"Dad!" Will hissed, blue eyes wide. "What are you doing!? I'm in school!"

"Will! Calm down, I'll just make this... not a memory." Will rolled his eyes. I saw the familiar shimmer of the mist envelop him and everyone turn back to what they were doing before. "Now. We need to talk."


I stared at my dad wide-eyed. This 'talk' was not one I wanted to have at the moment. Not with only having just cemented Nico and I'd engagement. I glanced at my fiancé, who was looking at me fearfully. I couldn't remember having ever seen him this scared before. I took his hand in mine and squeezed comfortingly.

"I- do-" I stuttered. "Is this that important?"

"I'm afraid so. Unless Hades gets what was taken back, he will not let your engagement go through." Apollo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Even Aphrodite tried to reason with him, but seeing he thinks it was one of my children who stole it..."

"I understand." I told my dad, swallowing the lump in my throat. Nico's hand squeezed mine tighter. "Neeks, could you call Steve to pick us up?" Nico nodded mutely, his hand slipping away from mine as he stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. "I will IM as soon as I'm ready for further instructions." My dad nodded and cut through the mist. My head immediately dropped to the cafeteria table.

"Oh my gods." Annabeth mumbled. She took one look at Percy's face and said, "we're helping. We've had to retrieve Hades helm before, how much different can it be this time?"

"This could be the start of another war." Percy pointed out. "One of the big threes main symbols go missing, then it escalates."

"We'll take it one step at a time." Annabeth told him.

I lifted my head up in time to see Nico come back in, pulling me up from the table.

"He will be here right away." Nico said, slipping his hand back into mine as he led me out of the cafeteria, Annabeth and Percy trailing behind us.

When Steve pulled up we road in silence. Annabeth sitting in the front with him while Percy, Nico and I sat in the back seat. We filed into the elevator and headed to the top floor in silence, not breaking the quiet until we sat on the couch.

"So we find the helm." I started. "Say it's connected to a whole other war. We aren't recovered enough for that."

"Talk to Thor about getting some Asgardian warriors." Annabeth said. "Train the Avengers in our fighting style. There's nothing else we can do." I nodded mutely.

"Well, here goes nothing. Percy, water please?" Mist appeared in front of the window, a rainbow shimmering into existence. I pulled a drachma from my pocket and tossed it through the colourful mist. "Iris goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Apollo on mount Olympus." The air shimmered into the IM of my father, sitting on his throne arguing with the other Olympians. Oh gods.

Word Count: 676

Finally another chapter haha! Posting will be irregular at the moment but hopefully I will be putting chapters up more often. Hope you are all doing well and sorry for the long wait!

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