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(Swear warning because... idk why but it's here. )

-Natasha's POV-

Will and Nico were at school when we were called out on mission. Steve left a note incase we didn't get back on time. Apparently some doom bots were causing trouble a few blocks away from Midtown.

The fight wasn't bad. It just gets annoying fighting these things again and again. However it got bad when they moved for the school.

"They're heading for the school!" Tony called through comms.

"Tony alert the teachers. We'll try to hold them back for as long as possible. We need to get the kids out." Steve ordered. There was the sound of blasters firing as I saw Tony fly over my head. I slammed another bot into the ground, kicking one in the chest before rolling out of the way of a blast.

"Oh schist!" Came a familiar voice not to much later.

"What the Hades we're you thinking!?" I looked up to see Nico and Will standing not to far away.

"I was thinking we could help!" Nico exclaimed, grabbing a sword from a shadow. It was pitch black. He took a knife from his boot and handed it to Will.

"Why do you have a knife at school!?!" Will yelped, dodging a doom bots attack.

"Exactly what I was thinking." I said, coming up beside them. "As well as what the fuck are you doing here?"

"We can help!" Nico cut a doom bit in two.

"Your teenagers!" Cap called as he ran past.

"Get to safety you two." I huffed as I turned. "Can't be babysitting and working."

-Nico's POV-

"You sure you want to leave after she said that?" I asked Will as I easily killed any of the robots if they came near us.

"Fine." Will muttered.

We fought through the onslaught until we were noticed again. This time by Tony.

"What are you two doing here!?" He yelled.

"Helping, what does it look like?" I asked him.

"Nuh-uh. Get out of here kid." Tony landed beside us. "Your going to get hurt."

"We fought in two wars." Will reminded him. I slammed my hand into the ground, opening a chasm that quite a few doom bots fell into.

"Go. Home." Tony said before taking off again. I opened my mouth to argue when a red and blue blur flew over head, landing in front of us. My sword was at the things neck immediately.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah!" Exclaimed Spider-Man. Will's eyebrows drew together.  This guy sounded like Peter. "Don't kill me!"

"Sorry." I muttered, pulling my sword back.

"Why do you have a sword?" He asked. Oh great. I thought. He's clear sighted.

"To kill doom bots." I said, stabbing one for emphasis.

"Listen, you need to leave before you get hurt." He told us.

"Sure, sure. Go help Tony, Peter." Will said.

"W-what?" Asked Spider-Man. "Who's Peter?"

"You are. I can tell, we ain't going to tell someone though." Will shrugged.

"Okay. Fine." Peter huffed. "But then how and why do you have a sword Nico!?"

"Come to Stark tower after and we'll explain." I sighed. Peter nodded and swung away. "Let's kick ass."

Will and I got split up at some point. I was slashing and stabbing, keeping the bots from hurting me. I used my shadow travel as a tool, jumping away when I needed to catch my breath. About ten minutes later and it all went down hill.

It started with more appearing. And then Nat got shot. Will ran over to help her. I protected the two as he healed her, keeping the bots away. I was pulled into the sea of grey, fighting wildly against the robots trying to kill me. I got a good hundred dead when Will shouted.

"NICO! Look out!" Just before I turned my torso exploded with pain.

I cried out, falling to my knees. The bots tried to over run me but I summoned the dead, the skeletons coming to my aid. My breathing was ragged as blood soaked through my shirt. I pressed my hand to my side where I had been stabbed and hissed in pain. Will appeared in front of me.

"Holy shit Nico." Will muttered, pulling the ambrosia from the first aid kit.

"Schist." I corrected before he stuffed it in my mouth. Will pulled up my shirt and poured nectar on the wound. It was large, clearing having some sort of explosive connected. He dressed the wound, wrapping my stomach and ribs with bandages to keep the gauze in place.

"You are an idiot." He hissed, helping me to my feet. "Now c'mon, we need to get you out of here. Tony already took Nat back to the tower and I need to help her to."

"No, no." I mumbled. I blinked away the fuzzy ness in my eyes. "You go. I can still fight."

"You are stupid if you think I'm letting you do that. Now come on." I pulled him into a shadow and we appeared in the living room. Before I could travel back to the fight everything went black.

-So we still don't have internet! That's great. I'll try to update when I can, sorry for taking awhile till this part. I hope you all have an awesome morning/afternoon/night wherever you are!-

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