Unexpected Visitors

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-Will's POV-

Nico fainted. Of course. I caught him before he hit the floor. Picking him up bridal style, I took him to med bay. Natasha was awake, waiting for me. Her eyebrows shot up when she saw Nico.

"What happened?" The redhead demanded, sitting up despite her wound.

"Fainted, used to much energy." I sighed, setting him down on the bed nect to Nat's.

"So he isn't hurt?" She asked.

"He is. I helped him but he might need stitches." I told her, grabbed some stuff to deal with Nat's injury.

"How are you so calm?" Nat muttered as I got to work on extracting the bullet.

"I've soon worse. There's a camper who looses his leg alot and I always end up reattaching it." I told her. (Sherman I'm looking at you). I got the bullet out and stitched it up before bandaging her arm and putting it in a sling.

"Reattache?!" Exclaimed Nat as I moved over to Nico and took off his shirt. I undid the bandages and looked at the wound. It was burned around the edges but shouldn't need stitches after the nectar and ambrosia. "Will he be okay?"

"Yeah. He's been through worse." I said, getting burn cream and carefully applying it. I rewraapped the wound.


I had to explain to the rest of the team that Nico was fine and he just over taxed himself. I knew he would be sleeping for awhile, needing to rebuild his energy. I took him to our room after a few hours.

I sighed, taking a sip of the coffee infront of me. It was the next morning, Saturday thank the gods, and Nico was still dead asleep. I had woke up early, everyone else besides Steve and Bucky still asleep.

When my phone rang I jumped, luckily none of the coffee flew out of the mug. I set it down on the table and picked up the monster proof phone, looking at the number. It was Chiron. I blinked. Sighing, I answered the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hey Chiron." I said, standing up.

"Will, it's good to hear from you." Chiron said. "How did everything go with social services?"

"Everything went fine." I answered. "Why are you calling?"

"We were called by the police earlier today." My mind imeditaly began to put together conclusions. "Your mother was arrested for murder, Will."

"W-what?" I asked. I had to have heard that wrong. "Why- what?"

"It's the truth." Chiron sighed. "Did you know that you have a younger sister, Will?"

"I- no. I didn't." I said. Steve and Bucky had just walked in, freezing when they saw my expresion. I was so caught up I didn't notice them. "Why would she- who did she-" I couldn't get the words out. My mother. A murdered. How? She was so sweet, and kind.

"Apparently it was a man who approached her when walking with your younger sister. I do not know the full details only that she had a gun and pulled it on him, shooting him in the head. The police found her crying beside the stroller and the man's body. She was arrested and pleaded guilty." My brow furrowed.

"She just- she just pulled the gun on him? He didn't even do anything?" I asked.

"He didn't do anything." Chiron comfirmed. This wasn't like my mother. Something was up.

"So what? Now social services is looking for me to I suppose?" I ran a hand down my face. This was bad.

"Yes. They are at the police station with your sister. However unlike Nico you have a living relative." I blanched.

"Who?" I asked.

"An uncle. His name is Clint Barton..." My ears began to buzz. My mind was racing a mile a minute. So much was happening.

"I'm going to the station." I said before hanging up. I stuffed my phone in my jeans pocket. I rushed past the two men standing confused.

When I got to the station I was met by two police offices and a social services worker holding a baby. They asked me a few questions before the social worker pulled me away.

"I'm sorry about your mother." He said. "My name is Alric Grey. Did you know about your sister?"

"No. I didn't even know my mom had been pregnant." I said. "I was at summer camp, alot of stuff was happening and since I'm a counselour I was very busy."

"Understandable." I took the baby from his arms. She was about two months old.

"What's her name?" I asked. The baby cooed at me, her hands grabbing at my hair.

"Elise Corraine Solace." Alric told me. "I called your uncle he should be here soon."

"So, funny story." I said, smiling slightly despite the circumstances. "I was already kinda living with my uncle, we just didn't know we were related. My boyfriend was adopted by one of my uncles friends and I moved in with them." The door opened and Clint stepped inside.

"Well this is interesting." He said, sending me a smirk. I nodded. "Anything I need to sign?"

"Just these papers." Aleric handed Clint a clipboard and pen and he got to work.

When we got back to the tower those awake were confused. Clint explained the situation and they offered their condolances. Tony told me Nico was still asleep which I was glad about.

After setting up a crib in me and Nico's room and ordeirng a bunch of stuff we finally got to relax. Until an alert from Friday popped up.

"Boss there are seven teenagers that just entered the building." Tony flicked his wrist and the security cameras came up. I blinked at the group.

"Let them up." I said.

"You know them?" Asked Clint.

"Well you already kinda met Jason, he's the blonde. Jason is Nico's cousin along with Percy, black haired guy. The brown, frizzy haired girl is Hazel, Nico's half sister. The bulkier guy is Frank. The girl with a feather in her hair is Piper, the blond haired girl is Annabeth and the Latino is Leo." I said. The elevator dinged open and the group stepped out. Annabeth was looking around wide eyed. Leo was fiddling with something and the others were marking exits. "Good morning guys."

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