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Hazel immediately hugged me. The others were quick to follow. When they backed off it was Annabeth who spoke.

"We heard what happened to your mother." She said. "Chiron told us. It was all over the news."

"Yeah..." I muttered. "It's weird. It wasn't like her at all." I looked up at the seven in front of me.

"How do you feel about being related to a celebrity?" Asked Percy.

"It's cool, I guess." I shrugged.

"Damn right it is!" Called Clint from the kitchen.

"It's not fun." Piper muttered. "People want to see you all the time. You got fans and are expected at social events."

"Nico's the one who was adopted by Tony Stark." I reminded them.

"Speaking of Nico, where is he?" Hazel asked.

"He's passed out, over exerted himself." I said. "I didn't want him to but we needed to get back to the tower."

"I'm sure you'll give him hell when he wakes up." Jason said.

"I will! Along with banning him from any under worldly stuff until he's back to full health!" I exclaimed. The seven snickered.

"Enough chit chat." Leo said, "I wanna explore all the tech!" Tony appeared immediately.

"Come on I'll show you my suits." He said, grinning. Leo happily followed him.

"Let's play board games." Annabeth suggested.

And hour later and we were playing monopoly. Annabeth and Piper were awesome at the game. Hazel and Jason went bankrupt within the first twenty minutes. Frank wasn't the worst, but he hadn't played the game in awhile and needed to get his skills back. Percy had played quite a bit before but was highly outmatched against Annabeth and Piper. I went bankrupt half way through.

"Bull schist!" Percy shouted when he landed on Annabeth's property. It had four hotels on it. Annabeth smirked and held out her hand. Percy stuck his tongue out slightly and started counting money. He ended up giving Annabeth most of the stack and two of his three properties. It only took another round for him to go bankrupt. Frank had fallen two rounds earlier.

The two teens were glaring at each other as they continued to play. Percy was laying face down on the carpet beside Jason. I watched from where I was sitting in the couch. Hazel and Frank were chatting quietly from the love-seat as they watched.

Half an hour later and Annabeth won. Piper sighed and the two cleaned up the bored game. Then Nico stumbled in bleary eyed.

"Neeks, your up." I said, standing and moving over to him. I steadied him before he could fall over. He mumbled something about coffee but I pulled him over to the couch and made him lay down, his head in my lap. He fell asleep quickly. Bruce came running in a few moments later.

"Will?" He asked, walking over. He sighed when he saw Nico. "I tried to get him to go back to sleep but he was hell bent on finding you."

"I'm not surprised." I murmured, carding my fingers through his fluffy black hair.

"Seems right." Hazel said. "Did he have any nightmares?" Bruce shook his head. "That's good."

"We should get back to camp." Percy said after checking his watch. "It's already seven."

"Bye guys." I said. They said their farewells before collecting Leo (Piper had to charmspeak him to get him to leave) and getting on their way.

When Monday came I knew that it would be interesting. I knew that people would try to be friends with me because I was related to an Avenger. I honestly consider Nico lucky in this scenario. His oh so charming demeanour scares most people away (Sorry Neeks but it's true).

When we walked into school people were staring at us, again. The first half of the day was fine, until lunch came.

"Yo, Solace!" Of course it was Flash. "You should come hangout with us and not these scumbags." I rolled my eyes and turned, looking at Flash and two of his goons who had come over.

"Nah I don't think you're really worthy of my presence." I scoffed. "You? Seriously? Please." Flash's face was priceless. Nico was smirking and Ned and Peter were gaping at me. MJ nodded in approval. Flash left mumbling something incoherent.

"That was golden." MJ said, giving me a high five. The cafeteria doors opened and I glanced over my shoulder, only to take a double take.

Annabeth and Percy walked in. I blinked. When and they got here? Annabeth sent Percy a 'fuck off' look before moving over to some popular kids. Percy game over to us sheepishly.

"Percy?" Nico asked. "What's going on?" He sat down beside me and across from MJ.

"Well I got me and Annabeth expelled from Goode, so my mom sent us here. We made a bet about who could keep our relationship secret the longest. She already ended up popular somehow." Percy sighed.

"Of course." Nico muttered. "Guys this is our friend Percy Jackson." I moved my hand slightly, manipulating the mist so that they would forget what Percy told them. "He's new."

"Hi I'm Peter- uh Peter Parker." Peter introduced awkwardly. MJ looked very confused.

"Ned Leeds." Ned said.

"MJ." Mj said, her eyes clearing slightly.

"Will, Nico I need to talk to you after school." Percy said. I nodded.

By the time school ended I had had three girls flirt with me and multiple people try to become my friend. I declined all of it, and hoped that tomorrow it would all blow over.

We waited a few blocks away from the school for Annabeth. Once she joined us we continued the few blocks to the tower. They wouldn't tell us until we were in the elevator. The two had gotten better in elevators and could usually make the ride without any problems.

"Okay." Annabeth said when the doors closed. "You remember our lovely friends from the Argo II?" Me and Nico both nodded. "Well they're back."

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in awhile. We still don't have wifi but hopefully will get it soon! Hope your all doing great! 

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