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---------------Ranch somewhere in the middle of Texas----------------

"Whoa," you say, pulling on the reins of your horse. You dismount the gelding and lead him to his assigned stall. You look into his trough to see some of the hay from this morning's meal was floating in the water. You pull the hay out, and other than that, you see the trough didn't really need much cleaning today.
The stall itself didn't need much cleaning either given that the hired stable hands had already mucked it out when you went on that trail ride with today's group.

You did find an egg in the horse feeder. The chickens like to roost in the feeders whenever they free ranged and it was an almost everyday occurrence to find an egg in said feeders. The collected eggs were fresh and would be sold by the dozen

This was life for you on the ranch. You've lived here for the better part of your formative years with your aunt and uncle, who made a living providing riding lessons and trail rides for people in town (they also rented out stalls for horse owners who needed a place to stable their horses).
It was decent income and you tried to help out where you could.
Or at least you did before you started going to college in New York. You would come back for the summers and still helped around where help was needed. It was hard work, but you enjoyed it.

Horses are good company after all.
You've lived at the ranch long enough to know all the horses by name, breed, color pattern, and personality.

Even it was a good life, you couldn't help but feel some things in your life were missing.
You never knew your father and your mother had disappeared some years ago when you were still a child. You came to live with your aunt and uncle a few years back after your stepfather died when his liver finally gave out.
There were times when you wished you knew your father and wondered if you would ever know what became of your mother.

It was getting late in the day so you head to the house, knowing your aunt was going to have dinner ready soon. 

You stopped when you noticed something wasn't quite right. You look to the horses and see one of the stalls was vacant. You look around the stables, counting the horses as you did so.

One of the horses was unaccounted for. A black gelding by the name of Midnight.

Much as you were looking forward to a nice warm, dinner, you felt the need to go find the horse; there are rattlesnakes out on the property and if the gate was open, Midnight could very well walk out onto the street and get hit by a truck.

You run to grab a halter and lead rope before you set out to go look for Midnight.

You wonder the property, looking for the horse. The sun was about to set so you quicken your pace. 

You were about ready to call it quits, but then you spot Midnight by the creek, drinking some water.
You slowly make your way over, not wanting to scare the horse.
Something, however rustles in the bushes, spooking Midnight and he runs off.
You run off after him, hoping maybe you could lead him back to the stables. You lost sight of Midnight and instead come across a cave.

You frown a bit, having never seen this cave before. There was something about it that drew it to you. You take a few steps forward but, feeling there was something ominous about the cave.

Then Midnight was spotted once again by the cave. The horse walks in, not even seeming to hesitate.

You enter the cave, determined to bring the horse back home.

The cave was dark, but you turn the light on your phone hoping you'll be able to see horse. To your shock though, Midnight was gone. The cave at this point looked more like a tunnel. You frown and decide to keep moving, hoping that maybe Midnight will be up ahead.
There was a steep incline as went in further, and you were hoping the horse didn't fall and break anything.

You suddenly slip and fall down the incline, finally landing at the bottom and hitting your head. You lose consciousness.

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