Chapter 1(Geralt): Journey to Novigrad Part 1

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Warning: Brief moment of an almost sexual assault. It doesn't happen, but just in case for anyone that gets triggered by that.

You and Geralt made the trek towards Novigrad, the witcher taking the lead on Roach while you and Midnight follow.

He was quiet for most of the trip, so you had to be the first one to speak up in order to start any kind of conversation with him.
When you did managed to get some words out of him, Geralt was more then willing to share and talk. You learned a few things about Geralt, about him and his life as a witcher, about the friends and acquaintances he's made during his adventures across the Continent, his dealings with various royals and soldiers, and some vague mentions about his rather infamous love triangle with two certain sorceresses.
You and him would take to camping off the road when it came to stop and rest for the night. The sandwiches and dried fruit were surprisingly filling, though Geralt knew the food rations probably wouldn't be enough to last until the two of you reach Novigrad. Either Geralt would need to go hunting at some point or he would need to make a stop in a nearby town and get some supplies and food.

His coin pouch was a little low; if it was just Geralt, it would've been enough, but for two people that probably wouldn't be the case. He would probably need to find a monster hunting contract to fill up the pouch and make ends meet.
He looks and sees you reading while you're munching on your sandwich, using the flames as lighting to read the book. It was a bestiary. Reading while eating by the fire was something you had taken to doing during these quiet moments.
He was intrigued by the way you were absorbing the knowledge as you read word for word.

"What part are you reading now?" Geralt asked, curiosity suddenly getting to him, which took you by surprise. "Oh, uh, I'm...I'm on the section on vampires. I was reading about katakans actually." "Hmm," was Geralt's response. "You ever fought one before?" you ask. "I've faced a few," Geralt admits, "last contract I took on one was back in Oxenfurt. This katakan  had a penchant for the blood of drunks, guess it enjoyed the feeling of intoxication." "So how did you manage to catch it?" you ask. "I spent 50 gold crowns worth of cheap wine and drank myself stupid," Geralt answers, "then I walked around stumbling about and singing a diddy till the katakan showed up and I killed it."
You snorted and laughed at that, "I'm sorry, I'm finding it hard to imagine you being a silly drunk. Hope you got paid enough to make up for the bar tab." "Oh they paid me plenty, believe you me," Geralt confirmed, "Eskel caught another katakan in a similar manner. That one was faster than usual so he brought it back to the keep for an autopsy, probably concerned about any possibly mutations." "Was that that case?" you ask. "We both concluded, it was an old and well experienced," Geralt shrugged, "hard to tell a katakans' age based on its tracks and the way it feeds on people."

"So, what's it like in Novigrad?" you decide to ask. "'s a huge port city," Geralt explains, "it's technically part of Redania, but it's known as the 'Free City.' It's a huge hub for merchants and bankers, and uh, brothels too. But it also has its fair share of troubles too like gangs, non-human and mage persecution, and the Church." "Church?" you frown, the Catholic Church being the first thing to come to mind.
"The Church of the Eternal Fire," Geralt tells you, "it's a religious cult. Has its own isle with a temple where the Eternal Fire supposedly burns continuously, and it's even got its own order of temple guards...and witch hunters." "Do they hunt witchers too?" you ask. "They tolerate witchers at best, but only because of our reputation for killing monsters," Geralt says, "they probably would go after us if they weren't already hunting mages and making non-humans' lives miserable."

"If I do have magic in me, remind me to stay away from these people then," you say, shaking your head, disappointed at the thought that people could be so cruel and hateful; of course it wasn't so different from your world where hate and systemic oppression was still a thing, only it was based on differences among humans rather then humans and non-humans.
So it really shouldn't have surprised you that much.
You recalled reading about the history of this world, about how the elves had ruled these lands before the humans came, and how badly the humans started treating the elves once they took those lands from them, erasing Elven culture and history along with taking their lives.

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