Kaer Morhen

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You slowly open your eyes, coming too.
Everything was still blurry, but as your vision cleared, you had vivid flashbacks to what happened before you passed out, how you found yourself in a different world outside of the cave and how you were almost eaten by a monster. You would've been if those three strange looking men didn't step in and save you.

And all because you were trying to track down your damn horse back on the ranch.
You were certain though this was all just a weird dream and you were actually in your bed at the house and breakfast would be ready soon, courtesy of your aunt.

Once your vision cleared, however, you look around and realize the room you were in was not yours.

You bolted upright at this realization, which was something you regret the moment you feel the pain in your side where the monster scratched you. It was then you realized your shirt was off, which caused your eyes to widen. If those men saved and tended to you...well at least they were decent enough that your bra was still on.
You then look outside from the nearby window. You were definitely were not dreaming. You were in a whole different place that was definitely not the ranch, and based on the landscape, you were most likely nowhere in Texas.

You walk towards the door and giggle the knob, realizing it wasn't locked. You open the door, slowly and look out to make sure the coast was clear. You step out of the room and quietly sneak down the halls. You weren't sure why you were being quiet in the first place, given how big the place really was. But it was a place you were not familiar with.

You eventually find your way into some giant foyer. Looking around this entire abode led you to believe this has to be some kind of castle. One that also seemed to be in great disrepair, yet a burning fire and fresh food on the table with open bottles of liquor suggested someone, or someones live here.

"Well, well, well, look who's finally up?" you hear a voice right behind you, which caused you to yelp and jump. You turn to see a stern face of a young looking man in a blackish ensemble. Your eyes widen, not sure what to say, especially since you didn't have your shirt on. "Well, you gonna say something?"

"Uh, I..." you turn and bolt for the exit.

You make it outside, but didn't expect some big steps ahead which caused you to trip and fall. You manage to get back on your feet, but you trip on your feet again, this time the pain from your bandaged side kept you down. 

"Hey!" you hear another voice call out, and then you were approached by two men: one in red and black, and another with white hair. "Please leave me alone," you beg, starting to panic, "I don't have anything on me, well except a Swiss Army Knife and a phone. You can take those, just please leave me alone." 

The two men exchange some rather odd looks, not having the slightest clue what you were talking about.
"If we left alone you would've died," you hear the voice of that guy from inside the keep approach behind you.

You look at the three men and realized they were the same men you encountered when you ran into that monster.
"You...you're the men who saved my life. No wait, I saw one of you create fire. But how? Are you all wizards or something? Mages?"

"Hardly," you hear another, older voice approach. Behind the man, who had a lead rope in his hands, was a certain horse that got you into this situation in the first place.
"Midnight!" You quickly got back to your feet and approach the black gelding, stroking his nose.

"Found him wandering outside the keep," the old man, Vesemir, explained, "thought he was abandoned at first, but he seemed friendly, so I decided to bring him in." "You me worried, old boy," you spoke to the horse, "we better get you home. Auntie and Uncle are probably worried about us when we're all the way out here...wait, where is here?"

"You're joking right?" you hear the younger looking man, Lambert say, "you wonder mindlessly in this part of the Continent, all while nearly getting eaten by forktail, and you know nothing about this place?" "Uh no," you dryly answer, "So a little context would help. Wait, what is a forktail? Oh, and you didn't tell what you people are? Mages right?"

Lambert only rolled his eyes, sighing in annoyance. "What's his problem?" you frown. "Don't pay him any attention," the guy in red, Eskel tells you, "He's just impatient and cynical. Always has been." Lambert glares at his brother in response before returning his glare back to you.

During that time, you took another look at these men and noticed scars on different parts of their faces. Old scars at that. You wondered however they got them.

The white haired one, Geralt, then spoke to you, interrupting your thoughts, "We're not mages. We're Witchers. And this place is the Witcher's keep. Kaer Morhen."


You look up to the see the vast entirety of the keep, then look back at the men before you. It was this moment, you could confirm you were not on the ranch, you were not in Texas, you weren't anywhere in the States or probably anywhere on the North American Continent.
Hell, you probably were not even in the world that you knew. 

Eyes wide, you take a few steps back before you actually faint, partially from shock, and partially due to your injuries.

Adventures with the Witcher(s): A Multi Witcher StoryWhere stories live. Discover now