Chapter 2 (Eskel): the Katakan

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"Well, it's about time," you say with a smirk on your face as Eskel finally made it to the village and dismounted Scorpion.

Even though you had taken a head-start, the witcher did manage to get ahead of you for a while there, but you had managed to ride past him like a speed demon and made to the imaginary finish line.

"You cheated," Eskel protest. "Hey, you managed to get up ahead of me for a while there," you point out, "wasn't my fault you started falling behind." "Yeah well, the saddle kept sliding," Eskel defends.
"My aunt always said there wasn't a crappy show dancer out there that doesn't blame her shoes," you tell him. "You're a fucking show dancer," Eskel retorts, "you wait, (y/n), next time I'll win it. Gotta admit though, didn't expect you to be that damn good in the saddle. Despite you getting a head start, I can't help but you deserve some kind of reward."

"Maybe a portion of your reward for whatever contract you plan on taking around here?" you suggest. "How much of a portion?" Eskel asks. "Would ten percent suffice?" "Alright, fair enough," Eskel concedes, "though, for you, I would've gone as high as fifteen percent." "What about twenty?" "Don't push it," Eskel scolds as he leads you to the board where all the flyers were posted.

You took a look at some of the flyers, which varied from random announcements and notices regarding the ongoing war between Nilfgaard and the Northern realms, or just concerning local affairs such as a wanted ad for a smith apprentice. One flyer must've caught Eskel's eye as he was quick to pull it off the notice board.
He quickly skimmed through it.

"Monster trouble?" you ask, looking over Eskel's shoulder. "Maybe," Eskel says, looking over the flyer again, "looks like one's been attacking bystanders left and right, many of whom were just walking back to their homes from the local tavern." "So they were drunk when they were attacked," you surmise, "Could've just been random muggings." "Nah, if it was, Nilfgaardian army would've dealt with it by now," Eskel shakes his head, showing you the flyer again, "they're the ones who posted this."

"Judging by the reward, I'm guessing they must be pretty desperate to be rid of this problem," you say, "I don't know much about Nilfgaard, but I didn't think they cared about the people they're conquering." "What Nilfgaard most above all is order," Eskel tells you, "and this monster is getting in the way of that. Come on, there's a Nilfgaard garrison nearby. Gotta get more answers about this, and maybe negotiate the reward a little."
"This is your thing, Eskel, you lead the way," you nod.

Both of you mounted the horses once more, and you follow Eskel to the Nilfgaard garrison. You took notice of the looks some of the soldiers were given both of you; they gave the witcher looks of disgust, while giving you looks of curiosity with a twist of lust. You keep close to Eskel, hoping the soldiers would take a hint and keep their hands to themselves. 

Getting close to the gates, the guards stop you and Eskel from approaching any further. Eskel explains to them that he was here for the contract. Both guards saw his gear and eyes and knew he was witcher, and he was telling the truth. They opened the gates and let him in; the stopped you, but Eskel insisted you go with him, which you were thankful for as you weren't all that comfortable being alone in an encampment full of strange men.

Eskel finds the commander of this outpost and talks to him about the contract. You take notice of the Nilfgaard accent from the commanders and the soldiers around you. It was unique, and you couldn't quite place what it resembled in your world; part of you thought it could be Germanic in origin...or maybe Slavic...or perhaps both?
Whatever it was, you did find it was kinda pleasant to listen to.

After negotiating the new price, and receiving some additional information about this monster, Eskel took you back to town, specifically to the tavern.
Apparently a woman had survived the attack, and since then she'd been frequenting the tavern like she was refusing to stay sober.

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