Chapter 1 (Lambert): Journey to Aedirn

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Mentions of past alcoholism (not from the reader though, just so you know).

"Will you hurry it up already?!" Lambert gripes from up front.

"Hey, don't tell me to hurry up, tell Midnight!" you sass back as your horse in question was busy drinking water from the stream.

You and the witcher had been riding towards Aedirn for the last four days or so and it hasn't exactly been easy.
Lambert wasn't exactly the best traveling companion; he was impatient and always in a hurry. He would wake before the sun was barely rising and basically shake you till you were awake and practically screaming at him to stop so you could sleep some more, but he would keep at it till you were finally wide awake and up on your feet (it's worth noting that you're not a morning person and really wishing coffee was a thing here).

Stopping to eat wasn't really a thing with Lambert either as he really wanted to cover as much ground as possible before the sun set and would have to set up camp for the night. As a consequence you found yourself eating your handmade sandwiches while still riding on the saddle.

It was clear Midnight was getting annoyed with the way this trip was going and would slow down every so often and snort in said annoyance, as if to say he needed a break. You couldn't work the poor horse like this and would have to stop to let him rest. Lambert would be up ahead by a few yards or so before he realized you lagged behind, and then he would turn and start griping for you to keep up and stop falling behind, but you would reason with him that Midnight was tired and needed a break.
"I'm sure your horse would like one too," you point out. Lambert would listen to reason, knowing if either horse did end up giving out, it would make the journey even longer. 

So the Witcher would sigh and reluctantly lead his horse back to you for a break. You would smirk a little, knowing you were right, and he would just give you a dirty look.

"Can you tell your horse to hurry it the fuck up, we're burning daylight here!" Lambert exclaims. You roll your eyes and pull Midnight up; he couldn't fill up on too much water anyway lest he get sick.

"Why are you in such a rush?" you ask as you continue the trek, "you really want to be rid of me that badly? Is my company so repulsive to you?" "I'd like to get this over with so I can get back to doing what I'm supposed to do best. Killing monsters, "Lambert answers, "I'm a witcher, not a babysitter. This isn't what I signed up for." 
"You didn't have to agree to this, you know," you point out, "I could've asked Geralt or Eskel to guide me this way instead." "Pfft, those two?" Lambert scoffs, "neither of them could guide a horse to water. No, trust me, you're better off with me."

You frown at that statement. You haven't really been able to have many conversations with Lambert back in Kaer Morhen, not even when the two of you had spent most of winter huddled by the fireplace.
To be fair, you did try and make small talk with the witcher during those times but he would either grunt back, if he was in a good mood, or tell you to fuck off cause he was too cold to be having any kind of conversations. 

Lambert was something of an enigma to you. He came off as hot headed and impulsive, but at the same time he seemed to go out of his way for the people he cared about when he didn't think anyone else was looking.
You recalled the morning you left the keep, how Lambert had been griping about not wanting to saddle Midnight because the horse kept trying to bite and kick him, but when you had walked into that stable, the saddle and the rest of the gear was already in place. 

The sun had started to set at this point, so you and Lambert finally stop, deciding to make camp for the night.
Lambert gets a fire going while you settle down and enjoy your sandwich.
You hand another sandwich over to the witcher who accepts as he settles as well.
He hasn't had any complaints about your food; if anything, after eating, he'd have this look in his eye like he wanted some more.
It was a similar look he had back in Kaer Morhen when you treated the witchers to a meal that one time with the deer Eskel killed and skin. The venison was cooked to perfect. Lambert never said anything, but he must've liked it cause he went back for seconds (and thirds too).

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