1- Avery and Rose (pt. 1)

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"You can head home now, Avery. I'll close tonight." Tom, her boss, called.

"Thanks, Tom." Avery replied, untying her apron as she reached for her purse.

"No problem, love. You be careful now."

"Will do." With that, Avery hung up her apron and headed out the door.

Almost as soon as she left, her phone rang. She shook her head lightly and answered the phone, "You don't have to call every day I have work, Mum. I know the routine: Meet Rose at Henricks, wait 'til she gets off work, then walk home together."

"I just want to make sure you remember."

"I remember."

"Are you sure-"

"Bye, Mum."

"Avery-" Avery hung up the phone and put it in her bag.

She then heard a whistle. "Damn, baby, you are looking fine." Some creep catcalled. Avery rolled her eyes and kept walking, ignoring him. "Hey." He said, grabbing her wrist, "Don't ignore me. I deserve a 'thank you' for that compliment."

"Let me go." She demanded through gritted teeth.

"I'm gonna need a 'thank you' first, beautiful."

She struggled against his grasp, trying to wrench her wrist free, but his grip only tightened. "Hey! Let her go!" She heard a voice with a northern accent call. She turned to see a man with buzzed hair and a leather jacket running towards her.

"Are you her boyfriend or something?" The creep asked as he released her once the man had reached them.

Blue met silver as they silently agreed to play the part of a couple. Avery leaned into the man's side with a smile, placing a hand on his chest as his arm wrapped around her waist. "Yes, I am." The man replied, "Which reminds me, sweetheart, we better get going if we're going to make our dinner reservation."

"Of course, dear." She replied, "Let's go." They walked away, the man glancing at the creep briefly with a glare.

Once they were out of the creep's sight, the man removed his arm from around Avery's waist as she dropped her hand and said, "Thank you."

"No problem." He replied, "Well, I should get going. I have something kind of important I have to do."

Avery perked up slightly, "If there's anyway I can help, I'd be more than willing. You saved my arse back there so I kind of owe you."

He shook his head, "I can't ask you to help me. It's pretty dangerous."

"Well, I'll be the judge of that." Avery replied, "At least tell me what's going on."

He sighed before explaining, "I've been getting some strange energy readings from a department store called Henricks. I'm tracking it down and when I get readings like this then it tends to get dangerous."

She nodded slightly before asking, "Did you say 'Henricks'?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We gotta go. My sister works there." She told him, grabbing his hand and all but dragging him along behind her as she sprinted in the direction of the store, "I'm Avery, by the way."

"The Doctor." He replied.

Her brows furrowed slightly as she asked, "Doctor? Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor."

"Well, then, it's lovely to meet you, Doctor."

"Pleasure to meet you too, Avery."


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