5- World War Three (pt. 1)

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The Doctor moves quickly through the pain of the shock, ripping the ID off from around Avery's neck and then his own. "Deadly to humans, maybe." He tells the Slitheen, pushing the IDs against the neck of the revealed alien. This causes the Slitheen and Green to be enveloped by electricity. The Doctor rushes over to Avery's unconscious body, lifts her into his arms, and makes a break for it out of the room. He runs down the hallway before stopping a good distance away to check on Avery.

He kneels down, setting Avery down gently while holding her face in his hands as she blinks in and out of consciousness. Her eyes keep rolling and she can't support her head at the moment. "Avery." He says, trying to get her to focus on him. She blinks a few times as she comes into proper consciousness, letting out a small pained grunt, "Are you alright? Can you move?" He asked her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She mumbled, trying to get to her feet, only for her legs to give out on her. The Doctor caught her by the elbows before helping her stand, holding her steady until she could keep herself balanced. "I feel tingly." She admitted.

"Well, you were zapped by life threatening voltages so you're lucky all you feel is tingly." The Doctor told her, causing her to nod as if to say 'fair enough'

She took his hand in hers, saying, "Let's go." She took off at a slow run, stumbling slightly until she got her footing.

They round a corner to find a hallway full of armed police. The Doctor looked at them quickly saying, "Oi! If you want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. Come on!" Avery and the Doctor took off at a run, leading the police back towards the briefing room.

They enter with the police just as Green finishes getting Asquith into his skin suit. "Where have you been?" Green questioned, "I called for help. I sounded the alarm. There was this lightening, this kind of... electricity, and they all collapsed."

The policemen check the bodies. The Sergeant speaks, "I think they're all dead."

"That's what I'm saying." Green says before pointing at the Doctor and Avery, "He did it! That man there. And, she was his accomplice, she helped him."

"I think you will find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise." The Doctor tells the police before sharing a look with Avery, who grimaced at how insane his claim sounded, causing the Doctor to look back to the police and asking, "That's never going to work, is it?"

"No." The policeman admitted.

"Fair enough." Avery agreed before the Doctor pulled her away, running out of the room with the police chasing after them.

They don't make it far until they get stopped by another group of police. The Doctor and Avery raise their hands in surrender, the latter smiling sheepishly at all of the guns while the former still looks like he's having the time of his life. "Under the jurisdiction of the Emergency Protocols, I authorize you to execute this man!" Asquith commands.

The Doctor began speaking quickly, "Well, now, yes, you see...the thing is, if I was you, if I was going to execute someone by backing them against the wall, between you and me, little word of advice."

Avery hears a ding behind her and smiles as the door opens, "Don't stand them against the lift." She says with a grin as she and the Doctor back in and he uses his sonic screwdriver to speed their ascent up.

The lift doors open and a Slitheen is there. "Hello!" The Doctor greets while Avery gives a cheery wave. They distract the Slitheen so that Rose and Harriet can get past behind it, then closes the lift door again.

When the door opens a second time, the Doctor peeks out to check the hall and seeing it's clear, takes Avery's hand and they are running again. They weave through halls until they make it to a staircase before moving down it as quick as they can. Once they reach that floor, the lift arrives causing them to hide on opposite sides of the door frame. Two Slitheen walk out. "It does us good to hunt. Purifies the blood." The first one says.

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