16- The Doctor Dances (pt. 2)

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They walked through a storage area towards the bomb site before stopping behind some crates. "There it is." Jack said before commenting, "Hey, they've got Algy on duty. It must be important."

"We've got to get past him." The Doctor states.

"Are the words 'distract the guard' heading in my general direction?" Rose asks, half-joking.

"I don't think that'd be such a good idea." Jack replies.

"Don't worry I can handle it."

"I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me, you're not his type. I'll distract him." Jack tells her, beginning to walk away before adding, "Don't wait up."

The Doctor has an amused smile on his face as Jack runs off. He turns to look at Rose, who has a shocked look on her face, and Avery, who was grinning like mad. "Relax, he's a 51st century guy." The Doctor told Rose, "He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing.

"How flexible?" Rose asks and Avery perks up curiously.

"Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy."


"So many species, so little time."

"What, that's what we do when we get out there?" Rose asks in disbelief, "That's our mission? We seek new life, and—and..."

"Dance." The Doctor finishes, chuckling at Rose's stunned look.

Avery smiles at the thought. She had spent so much of her life questioning why she found herself attracted to all people, gender not even being something she considered, but to find out that that was considered normal in the future gave her some peace. Sure, she had accepted herself and sexuality years ago, but the comfort was nice.

Avery's attention turned back to Jack and Algy in time to watch Algy gag before falling to his knees as his face morphed into a gas mask. Avery begins to run forward from the sidings with the Doctor and Rose following, calling, "Stay back!"

Jack gestures to some of the other soldiers, commanding, "You men, stay away!"

"The effect's become air-borne, accelerating." The Doctor explains once they reach Algy and the air raid sirens start up.

"What's keeping us safe?" Rose asks.

"Nothing." The Doctor replies.

They take a moment to listen to the sirens before Jack comments, "Ah, here they come again."

"All we need." Rose breathes before turning to Jack, "Didn't you say a bomb was going to land here?" Jack nods.

"Never mind about that." The Doctor dismisses, "If the contaminants airborne now, there's hours left."

"'Til what?" Jack asks.

"Til nothing, forever. For the entire human race." The Doctor replies.

Meanwhile, Avery's ears have caught a familiar melody, causing her to ask, "Can anyone else hear singing?" They all take a moment to listen over the sirens before Avery and the Doctor begin to follow the sound of the singing with Rose and Jack not far behind.

"Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree tops. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. Down will come baby, cradle and all." The Doctor opens the door, causing Nancy to stop singing for a moment before he gestures for her to continue as it seemed to keep the gas masked soldier beside her asleep, "Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree tops. When the wind blows the cradle will rock." As she continues, the Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver and unlocks her handcuffs as Avery, Rose, and Jack peek in. Nancy breaks the handcuff off and follows them out of the room, stopping her singing.

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