4- Aliens of London (pt. 2)

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As soon as they enter the Tardis, the Doctor begins rushing around to get the ship moving, but Avery looks around at the ship with a gentle smile. "Hello, pretty lady." She greets softly, causing to beep and whirl back in greeting. The Tardis shutters as it takes flight, causing Avery to stumble and grab onto the railing as quickly as she could.

Avery also quickly learns that the Tardis doesn't like this flight very much as the console crackles in protest. The Doctor at first fiddles some switches and presses some buttons to sort it out before resorting to a full on mallet, gently hitting the console a few times. Avery is stunned to see that it worked. It wasn't until the Doctor kissed the mallet that she swore she was having some kind of odd fever dream. She merely holds on tight and hopes for a smooth landing.

As the Tardis lands, the Doctor finally looks at her and, noticing her expression, he asks, "Are you okay?"

A still somewhat stunned Avery answers, "Yeah, fine."

They both make their way to the door only to step out into a storage closet. The Doctor quickly pulls his sonic screwdriver out to unlock the door, only for it to whirl loudly and him to shush it. She laughs quietly at that. "You think this is funny?" The Doctor hisses.

She smiles brightly, amusement twinkling in her eyes, "Just a tad."

Rolling his eyes, the Doctor buzzes the door with his screwdriver before tucking it in his pocket. He carefully opens the door only to be met by a room full of Red Berets. Avery's jaw drops slightly as they all stare at each other in silence for a moment before all of the soldiers are pointing their guns at the pair, the Doctor simply smiling at them as Avery hides behind him slightly with her hands up as a surrender.

Avery flinches when she hears a scream in the distance. The Doctor's smile drops as he grabs Avery's hand and immediately begins moving out of the room, instructing, "Defence plan delta! Come on. Move! Move!" The Doctor leads Avery and the Marines through the halls quickly before bursting through a door and looking around quickly.

Avery spots a doctor on the ground with a cut on her head, moving to crunch in front of her. "It's alive!" Sato exclaims

The Doctor quickly turns to the Marines, instructing, "Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lockdown."

"My god. It's still alive." Sato breathes as Avery looks her over for injuries and the Doctor moves closer to the pair.

Noticing the Marines that hadn't moved, the Doctor told them harshly, "Do it!" They actually listen this time as the Doctor turns back to Sato and Avery as the latter held the former's hands gently and tried to calm her as much as she could.

"I swear it was dead." Sato tells them both.

"Coma, shock, hibernation, anything." The Doctor says before asking, "What does it look like?" Something metal clatters behind them and Avery and the Doctor turn quickly in the direction of the sound.

"It's still here." Avery breathes. She and the Doctor stand up and back away from Sato. The Doctor gestures to a soldier outside the door to come in and kneel by Sato for protection. He then gestures for Avery to stay back and for once she listens.

There's a second clatter and the Doctor gets down on his hands and knees, crawling along the floor trying to find 'it.' He cautiously looks behind a filing cabinet and smiles gently at the rather humanoid-pig alien he finds. "Hello." He greets gently.

The pig runs out on its hind legs, causing Avery's eyes to widen at the spectacle. Immediately, the soldier cocks his gun, causing the Doctor to exclaim, "Don't shoot!"

The pig continues running down the corridor with Avery and the Doctor following after it, only for a gunshot to ring as a different Marine shoots it, causing Avery to gasp in horror. "What did you do that for?" The Doctor questions angrily before exclaiming, "It was scared!" He kneels down beside it with Avery at his side, "It was scared." Avery rests a gentle hand on the pig's head as she and the Doctor comforted it until it died. Tears burned at her eyes at the callousness of the kill and all she had for comfort was the Doctor's warm presence.

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