9- The Long Game (pt. 1)

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Adam had only been on the Tardis for twelve hours, seven of which Avery had been asleep for, and in all honesty, she could not stand him. She was not an easily irritated person and she tended to trust her sister's judgment but something about Adam just made her skin crawl. Understandably, he still wandered around the Tardis with an awestruck look, she had too when she woke up after she first got there, but instead of having a look of general wonder and respect for the impossible machine, he had this almost hungry look in his eyes, as if he wanted to take apart and dissect the Tardis to find out Her secrets.

The Tardis didn't like him much either, always changing the hallways and twisting him around until he wandered back to the console room. She knew he would be out soon but for the time being She was going to keep him away from the deepest parts of Her. When Adam would end up back in the console room with a look of confusion and irritation, Avery would snicker to herself as she sat in the jump seat with a book in hand that she used to cover her amused smiles, that caused the Tardis to whirl happily at Her Excellency's joy.

The Doctor never liked him to begin with. He didn't like a lot of humans even when he took to protecting them, but Adam was one he disliked even more. He didn't like how Adam looked at his ship, or at Rose and Avery, or how he had been so willing to sacrifice Rose to save his own life. Many things about Adam rubbed him the wrong way and the only reason he agreed to have him on board was because of Rose, but a part of him hoped that Adam would screw up so he had a valid reason to kick the human off.

Rose tolerated Adam. She wasn't ignorant to her sister's and the Doctor's dislike of him but Adam wasn't that bad, at least not to her. He was nice enough and seemed genuine in his desire to see the stars so she wanted to give him a chance, and hoped that Avery and the Doctor could put up with him for at least one trip.

Avery kept her eyes on her book, trying not to look up as the Doctor ran around the console like a mad man while he set up their next adventure and trying to ignore the mindless chatter of her sister and Adam. The book she had was a book about galaxy's beyond her own that she had found in the library, which the Tardis had led her to. There were many books there but the Tardis had kept most of them under lock and key so she wouldn't know what she was assuming was knowledge not meant for her. She was enjoying the book, only giving short answers when Adam had taken it upon himself to ask about it until the Tardis stopped with a shuddering halt.

She stuck the bookmark in her book, setting it on the jump seat before she walked out the door right behind the Doctor with Rose following close, after muttering something to Adam. The Doctor turns to them, telling them quickly, "So, it's two hundred thousand, and it's a spaceship. No, wait a minute, space station, and...go and try that gate over there. Off you go."

"Two hundred thousand?" Rose asked.

"Two hundred thousand." The Doctor affirmed.

"Right." She said, knocking on the Tardis door before opening it, "Adam? Out you come."

Adam wandered out with his jaw dropped in awe, "Oh, my God."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Avery told him, leaning against the now-closed Tardis doors.

"Where are we?" He wondered.

"Good question." Rose complimented before telling him, acting as if the Doctor hadn't told her everything already, "Let's see. So...judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen...engines. We're on some sort of space station." As Rose continued, the Doctor gave her an almost proud smile that Avery could help but smile about as well, "Yeah, definitely a space station. It's a bit warm in here. They could turn the heating down."

Avery pushes off of the doors before instructing, "Tell you what - let's try that gate. Come on!"

Avery leads the Doctor, Rose, and Adam through the metal gate to a massive viewing window, showing them Earth in all of its glory. "Here we go!" Rose exclaims as they move to look through the window, "And this is... I'll let the Doctor describe it."

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