17- Boom Town (pt. 1)

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When Mickey finds the Tardis in Cardiff, it is in front of the huge water tower, a very avante garde slab with water pouring down it. Mickey knocks on the door and Jack answers it, "Who the hell are you?"

Mickey furrows his brows, "What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?"

"Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever you're selling, we're not buying."

"Get out of my way." Mickeys says, pushing past Jack and into the Tardis.

"Don't tell me, this must be Mickey." Jack says, feigning annoyance.

"Here comes trouble." The Doctor comments from up on a small platform, where he was fixing up some things in the Tardis, "How're you doing, Ricky boy?"

"It's Mickey!" Mickey protests, causing Avery to snort in amusement from where she was sitting by the Doctor's feet with wires strewn across her lap and several small parts in her hands. The Doctor had been trying to show her how to do some maintenance on the Tardis but she often ended up just giving him company as she held parts for him and laughed at his silly little head lamp.

"Don't listen to him, he's winding you up." Rose dismisses the comment.

"You look fantastic." Mickey tells Rose before hugging her tightly.

"Aw, sweet, look at these two." Jack mocks before looking at the Doctor, "How come I never get any of that?"

"Buy me a drink first." The Doctor quips.

"You're such hard work."

"But worth it." The Doctor smiles sweetly.

Avery grins, "Well worth it. He gives the best hugs."

Rose nods in agreement as she pulls away from Mickey, "Honestly, his hugs are just so warm."

Avery closed her eyes at the thought, "And with the smell of his leather jacket and his aftershave, you just feel at home." She lets out a relaxed sigh as the Doctor blushes violently at her words.

"You humans are so weird." He states.

"Nah, I think it's just Avery." Jack comments, smirking at her.

"You know it." Avery replies with a grin as she hands the Doctor the wire he was reaching for, looking at him as she adds, "And, that's what you love about me."

"I'm sure it is." Jack mutters to Rose, causing her to snicker to herself as the Doctor continues to blush, trying to hide it with his work.

Mickey leans over to Rose, asking softly, "Is it just me or are they somehow closer than they were before?"

Rose of course knew who he was referring to, answering, "Those two have been attached by the hip since she got on the Tardis, I swear, but lately it's even more so." She smirks slightly, "I'm honestly curious how much he'll fall apart when she goes home today." Mickey chuckles slightly at that before Rose turns to him and asks, changing the subject, "Did you manage to find it?"

"There you go." Mickey hands over Rose's passport.

"I can go anywhere now." She says, waving her passport for the Doctor to see.

"I told you, you don't need a passport." He reminds.

"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil?" She justifies before smiling proudly to herself, "I might need it. You see, I'm prepared for anything."

"Sounds like you're staying, then." Mickey says, disappointment in his voice that causes a small awkward silence before he sighs and musters up a smile, asking, "So, what're you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash?" Jack looks up curiously, "I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with big-ears up there—"

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