10- The Long Game (pt. 2)

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Rose and Avery try to watch over the Doctor's shoulder as he uses his sonic screwdriver on a pair of double doors. "We are so going to get in trouble." Cathica mutters before turning to the Doctor and telling him, "You're not allowed to touch the mainframe, we'll get told off."

"Rose, tell her to button it." The Doctor instructs.

"You can't just vandalize the place, someone's going to notice." Cathica says worriedly. The doors open as the Doctor ignores her.

A few moments later, The Doctor is having fun making electricity sputter as he buzzes them with his screwdriver amongst the mare's nest of wiring. "This is nothing to do with me. I'm going back to work." Cathica tells them quickly.

"Go on, then. See you!" The Doctor dismisses.

"I can't just leave you, can I?" Cathica replies.

"If you want to be useful, get them to turn the heating down, it's boiling." Rose tells her.

"You're the one wearing a jacket." Avery mutters to her sister, thankful that she has gone with a sleeveless, high necked shirt that she had to slip her favorite crescent moon and star choker on over the fabric.

"Shut it." Rose hisses at her before turning back to Cathica, "What's wrong with this place? Can't they do something about it?"

"I don't know. We keep asking. Something to do with the turbine." Cathica replies.

"Something to do with the turbine." The Doctor mocks.

"Well, I don't know!" Cathica exclaims, exasperated.

"Exactly. I give up on you, Cathica." The Doctor told her before gesturing to the older Tyler sister, "Now, Rose. Look at Rose. Rose is asking the right kind of question."

"Oh, thank you." Rose replies with a smile before giving her sister a small high five.

"Why is it so hot?" The Doctor asks again.

"One moment you're worried about the Empire and the next minute it's the central heating!" Cathica throws her hands up in irritation.

"Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important." The Doctor quips, causing Avery to snort in amusement before her jaw drops slightly when he holds up some wires he'd ripped out. Cathica simply sighs and turns away.

A few moments later, the Doctor produces a monitor from the wires with a schematic on it. "Here we go." He says, "Satellite Five, pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout."

"This is ridiculous." Cathica responds, "You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange and you're looking at pipes?"

"But there's something wrong." The Doctor tells her.

"I suppose."

"Why, what is it?" Rose questions.

"The ventilation system." Cathica explains, "Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working flat out channeling massive amounts of heat down."

"All the way from the top." The Doctor adds.

"Floor 500." Rose breathes.

Avery looks at the Doctor, telling him, "Well, that means something up there is generating tons and tons of heat, right?" He nods in reply.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party. It's all going on upstairs. Fancy a trip?" Rose asks them, only half joking.

"You can't. You need a key." Cathica reminds them.

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