8- Dalek (pt. 2)

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"That's us, right below the surface. That's the cage, and that's the Dalek." Goddard points at each area on the map of the building she had pulled up.

"This museum of yours. Have you got any alien weapons?" The Doctor questioned. Avery looked at him nervously, if there was one thing she knew it was that the Doctor hated weapons, and seeing this side of him was still rather jarring.

"Lots of them," Goddard responded, "But the trouble is the Dalek's between us and them."

"We've got to keep that thing alive." Van Statten told them, "We could just seal the entire vault, trap it down there."

"Leaving everyone trapped with it." Avery said, irritation filling her, "My sister is down there. I won't let that happen. Have you got that?"

Van Statten scowled at her, "Doctor, you should really get a handle on your... pet."

Avery's hand twitched towards the baton she had left leaning against the wall before the Doctor took her hand, "She's not my 'pet,' she's my friend. And, I agree with her sentiment, I'm not going to let anyone else die if I can stop it." The Doctor told him before turning to Goddard and pointing at the screen, "It's got to go through this area. What's that?"

"Weapons testing." Goddard replied.

"Give guns to the technicians, the lawyers, anyone. Everyone." The Doctor instructed, "Only then have you got a chance of killing it."

"I thought you were the great expert, Doctor." Van Statten antagonizes, "If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate. There must be something it needs. Everything needs something."

"What's the nearest town?" The Doctor asks.

"Salt Lake City."


"One million."

"All dead." The Doctor tells him simply, "If the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature. That's all it needs."

"But why would it do that?!" Van Statten shouts, not understanding how something can be so apathetic that it could kill one million people.

"Because it honestly believes they should die." The Doctor explains, "Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose!"

The Doctor turns to the coms, informing the people that the Dalek is approaching, "The Dalek's surrounded by a force field. The bullets are melting before they even hit home, but it's not indestructible. If you concentrate your fire, you might get through. Aim for the dome, the head, the eyepiece. That's the weak spot."

"Thank you, Doctor, but I think I know how to fight one single tin robot." The commander says, causing Avery's eye to twitch in irritation, "Positions!"

Moments pass with only silence in the office as the commander had turned his com off. "We've got vision." Goddard says, looking up at the TV.

Avery's heart drops at the sound of guns and the Doctor grimaces, saying, "It wants us to see."

The hail of bullets is having no effect. Then the Dalek starts to rise straight up into the air. It zaps the fire alarm and the sprinklers are set off. Once the concrete floor is covered with a layer of water, it fires downwards and electrocutes every wet person on the ground, killing them quickly, "Fall back! Fall back!" The commander commands his few remaining men. The Dalek shoots a blast at the rail, causing the commander and his men to be shocked as well.

Avery has a hand over her mouth, horrified to see so much death in a matter of three shots. The Doctor took her other hand gently, running a comforting thumb over her knuckles. Avery knew that the action was for him as well, him needing to be grounded as old memories come rushing back.

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