3 - "Chat, I think it's purple"

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Kade POV

"Hey guys, it's RainyDaze here and today I am going to play Among Us in a random lobby while answering questions from chat," I said.

You joined a server, your name was Daze in the game. Skeld map was your strong suit.

"Ooh, maybe I should be cyan. I like that color because it reminds me of my family vacation to St. Thomas. Has anyone ever been there?" I asked while waiting for the lobby to fill.

I looked at the chat, most said no but a few said yes. "Yeah, it's really pretty. Oh, someone has a question," I squinted and looked at the question. "Pronouns? Well, I go by she/her but I am nonbinary,"

A few Poggers and Pogs appeared in the chat and you smiled. The lobby filled and the host started the game. I had gotten crewmate.

"Oh God, chat, I'm kind of happy I got crewmate because I'm so bad at being imposter. bit now I might die and I'm freaking out. Serious anxiety here chat," I laughed.

"Favorite streamer?" I read the chat and started my tasks. "Well the two that inspired me to stream was TommyInnit and Tubbo. They're both around my age and they create content that I like," I skipped around electrical and downloaded data.

A ding rung from my headsets and a donation popped up. "Georginadreamsgf thanks for the five dollar dino," I smiled and waited for stupid download. I could get killed here for this stupid task.

As I was waiting I read chat. "Streamer crush? Umm, Well, I really don't understand Minecraft at all but there's this one Minecraft streamer that I watch just because they're really cute." I giggled. Honestly, chat was being really generic with the questions.

A body was found and I saw that only five people remained in the game. You were cyan and there was purple, blue, red, and brown.

"Alright time to speed type this lobby up." I said as my mouth turned up into a smile.

cyan: where?

purple: where?

red: body in o2

blue: I was with brown in medbay doing scan

brown: can confirm blue

purple: I was with cyan

cyan: no u weren't. I was in electrical doing download

red: no one was near except purple. purple was in weapons.

brown: let's just skip for now

cyan: it's obviously purple

Cyan and Red voted for Purple.

Brown, Blue and Purple skipped.

"Chat I think it's purple. It's very obvious that it was purple but brown and Blue are also sus to me," I sighed.

My little crewmate ran to Navigation to upload data. I looked at the chat after a long time and saw they were spamming the same thing. Daze, who is your streamcrush?

"chat, if you must know, his name is Alex." I smirked into my camera.

Chat started speed rolling like crazy. I ignored it until I saw the screen that said I had died. It turned out to be Red that killed me.

"Oh come on, see this is why I like to play hide and seek among us and not regular lobby. It's easier and less scary."

Chat spammed so much you couldn't keep up. Soon my screen flashed red and black showing the crewmates loss. Red and purple were the imposters.

"One game is enough for today chat, a certain someone is streaming in a little bit and I can't miss it."

A few Bye's popped up but I caught the familiar name in chat.



Pog_The_Frog: SHIP. SHIP. SHIP.

"Okay guys, I think that is enough fun for one night, I have to eat dinner and then I have to watch him stream." I turned off the game. "And by the way QUACKIDAZE sounds great." I logged off my stream.

Twitter would blow up in a bit and then presumably settle down in a day. Nothing too major would happen. Except the chat calling me a simp for the next week.

(a/n: yes, I used old among us. not the new crappy version)

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