37 - "I need to tell you this"

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Kaydens POV

I was super excited because tomorrow would be Friday and the charity challenge was tomorrow. December was ending soon and that just hyped me up even more. 

Ranboo and I were binge watching Hawkeye right now. "You can't not watch something with Jeremy Renner in it," He said as he watched the show with Pickles in his lap.

"You can't not look at Hailee Steinfeld," I nodded in an agreement.

"Actually, there is something I've been meaning to tell you," Ranboo said.

I reached for the tv remote to pause the show.

"I'm listening," I said. 

"I have a boyfriend actually," Ranboo said. I could hear the strain in his voice.

"That's great," I smiled at him as to ease his nerves. 

"I should also tell you my real name too," Ranboo said shakily. 

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I told him.

"But our couple name will make sense if you know my name," He said dopily.

"Fine, you hopeless romantic," I chuckled a bit. 

"My name is Marcus and his name is Myles," Ranboo or Marcus said. "Our ship name is M&M," He grinned like a little boy.

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked with a smile on my face. 

"Myles is Dream's brother and we've actually been thinking about moving to the UK when Myles graduates. It's not really in motion yet though," Ranboo rambled.

"I'm so happy for you. How long have you known each other for?" I asked excitedly.

"It's going to be a year in June and we've been together since october, so two months," Marcus blushed.

"Is he a streamer too?" I questioned.

"Yeah, he's faceless and not too popular but we were thinking of doing a little stream together. Nothing romantic because I'm not ready to come out," He replied.

"I am so proud of you, Marcus, I really am. You are such a good kid even though you're like a year and a half younger than me," I said.

I felt nothing but pride as we continued to watch Hawkeye. 

This truly felt like home now. I was with my family and it would always be growing. 

Marcus had found someone that made him so happy. Happier than I probably would ever imagine. I had a little fur baby and my brother had his boyfriend. My friends were all across the world and I had support from thousands of fans.

I just didn't have that person. And I wish he was back in my life again.

Ranboo and I binge watched the rest of the series and we went to bed at around midnight. I wanted to be able to get enough sleep to crush my competition tomorrow. 


A/N: I had this chapter written for three months lol enjoy

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