23 - "Alexis?"

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Alex and I went down to the garage. she dropped me by the passenger side and opened the door for me. I got in and he closed the door like a very hot gentleman.

I hadn't noticed before but he was dressed nicely. His hair had been done really nicely and it looked like he got a haircut.

"Woah babe, you're actually really hot," I murmur under my breath, expecting him to not hear me.

"Mhm well you're hotter," He said as he started the car.

We pulled out of the driveway and I hid my blush my looking out the window.

The radio was playing heatwaves which kind of had a weird tension. So of course, I had to break that up.

"Where are we going now Alex? Can't you tell meeee?" I asked, dragging out the me part.

"It wouldn't be a surprise. But if you want to know, it's on Eldridge Street," Alex said as he stopped at a red light.

"I haven't been there in a while," I said as the light turned green.

We turned onto Eldridge Street and Alex pulled into a narrow parking lot of a restaurant called The Pasta Shop.

"Dude, how do you know about this place?" I asked him.

"I used to visit New York a lot with my family when I was younger. I was surprised to see this place still around," Alex said as he parked the car.

We got out and walked to the entrance. Alex held the door open for me.

I felt kind of silly being in my strawberry dress but I was grateful that it wasn't too puffy. Alex was in a full suit.

The Pasta Shop wasn't crowded and it wasn't too fancy. We looked crazy. I looked like a guy in a dress which kind of gave me a confidence boost.

Woo hoo gender.

Anyway, Alex asked the hostess about his reservation and we were taken to a private booth at the back of the restaurant.

"Babe I didn't know you could be so romantic," I said as I grabbed his hand over that table.

We ordered water and then food off the menu that was fairly priced.

I had gotten chicken Alfredo and Alex got some random raviolis that were too complicated to pronounce.

We chatted for a few minutes, mostly talking about how much I hate men. And then I had to apologize to my pouting iPad child boyfriend.

tw // Kayden slander, rip that strawberry dress, also a bitch named maria, homophobia

A different waitress delivered our food twenty minutes later.

"Here is your food- wait, Alexis? I haven't seen you in ages," A woman about in her twenties with long black hair said to Alex.

"Maria? Hey, long time no see," Alex said, looking at the woman and he was clearly uncomfortable.

Maria looked at me, her deep brown eyes looking me over. "Hm, I didn't know my baby boy still dated women," She hissed out at me as she ran a finger down his arm.

Our food was on the table and I shifted very uncomfortably. Being called a girl had me very sensitive lately.

"Um well it's nice seeing you," Alex said, trying to get her to go away. He pulled his plate close to him but was stopped by the bitch named Maria.

"Oh Alexis, you're better off without this," She motioned to me like I was an object. "This thing in your life."

I sat quietly and tried to hold back the urge to scream and cry.

"I mean look at her. Short hair and makeup. It's like you're dating Carlos all over again. No one wants to date this thing. Didn't take you for a f@g," Maria laughed.

Due to Alex getting us a private booth, no one heard this asshole cackling like the wicked witch of the west.

I couldn't do anything. I was frozen.

"Oh and you might want to dry clean the dress," Maria said. I was confused before she picked up my chicken Alfredo and dumped it on me.

I gasped as I felt the sauce ooze into my dress and drip down my skin.

I felt tears in my eyes as I saw my strawberry dress ruined.

Without turning to look at Alex, I ran out the restaurant and down the block.

I just kept running and finally stopped when I didn't know where the hell I was. I took my phone out of a random pocket and called Karl.

"Kade what's wrong?" He asked as he picked up. I sobbed and couldn't keep my breathing straight. "Okay breathe with me. One, in. Two, out. Three, in. Four, out."

"Alex we, we were at a restaurant and, she she yelled and I ran and I don't know where the fuck I am and Alex isn't here. please get me," I said with shaky breaths.

"Okay tell me what place you see and I'll come with Jimmy and Sapnap in his car," Karl said.

I looked around. "A bookstore, Cozy Books and Nooks," I said.

"Okay just hang on. We'll be right there. Want me to stay on the phone with you?" Karl asked as I heard a car door close.

"Y-yeah, please," I whispered.

I felt stares on my back and realized I was standing on the sidewalk of a buys street covered in Alfredo sauce and my makeup was probably runny.

I heard the muffled voice from Karl's side of the call. He was talking to Jimmy and Sapnap. I knew Jimmy's car was red from when we went to film that video the other day.

"Okay we're pulling up. Get ready to jump in the back seat," Karl said as he hung up.

The car pulled up and I hopped in. Karl was in the back seat with me and with just one look, I fell apart crying in his arms.

"It's okay, shh it's fine," He said as he rubbed my back.

I looked and saw I was getting sauce on him. It was kind of funny but then I remembered why the sauce was there and cried harder.

What a day my birthday has been.

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