32 - "Chat, I got a puppy"

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"Chat, I got a puppy," I said holding up a small, fluffy tan poodle puppy towards the face cam. "Meet Sir Pickles Butter Shire the first, or just Pickles for short."

I read some of the comments from the chat.

"I got him since it's really hard being alone in my apartment," I said as I put Pickles back in his overly large dog bed.

I turned back off my face cam, taking Ranboo's advice.

"I've been doing well with college and since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I get the honor to eat with my brother, best friend and Mr. Beast," I grin. "And chat, you'll never believe it, but I am willing to do a fanfiction stream with my friends. Because we all need the spice. So any donation that is ten dollars or higher will be text to speech. And I'm taking suggestions starting... now!"

I watch as I get flooded with subs and donations.

The most popular ones were Dream not found and Quackity x Reader.

I sighed and decided to look into DNF versus quackity.

"Heatwaves, Flowers from 1970 or of course, To The End," I smiled a bit. These were all fanfictions that I had heard of. "Let's go with To the End, it's a Quackity fanfic after all," I grinned at the camera.

It had been a while since I had streamed and I had hit the subgoal to read a fanfic about the Dream Smp members. 

I had read To The End before I had even met Alex. It had been published for a year so I got to soak up all the goodness and of course the writer, @devilise was so amazing. (An actual wattpadder)

I giddily shared my second screen which was displaying Wattpad. I didn't have an account which made it a bit easier to stay under the radar.

"Okay chat, let's begin, shall we. I've actually read this before but I want people to experience this amazing work of art with me. Before we begin I suggest getting snacks. I might have to make this a two-stream event. Just like when Niki read Passerine."

A discord call snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Ranboo.

"Boo!" I said as I greeted him.

"Rain!" He said back with much enthusiasm.

"I'm doing a fanfic stream, want to join in?" I asked him.

"Sure, I was bored. What are we reading?" He asks.

"Well, it's a Quackity fic called To The End on Wattpad. I was just about to start it," I said as I switched my screen back to the fic.

"Alrighty, let's get to it then Dazey," Ranboo replied happily. 

Chat spammed Sibling Behavior before going back to hyping up the fanfic.

"Here we go," I sighed.

"You're currently live on Twitch streaming Minecraft like you usually do when it's late at night and you're bored. But instead of the usual 2000 viewers, it had now doubled to 4000 viewers die to your participation in the event Minecraft Mondays....."


After reading up to the chapter called Old Flame, I ended the stream. Ranboo and I were chatting. 

"How's it feel finally showing your eyes?" I asked him.

"It's pretty cool," He said. I could hear a small sigh on the other side of the phone. "Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice."

"Why's that?" I asked.

There was laughing on the other side of the call. "You sound like my old therapist," Ranboo chuckled. 

"I sound like a fifty-year-old lady who wears cardigans and has pictures of her cat in her office?" I asked, slightly offended. 

"No, because why did you just perfectly describe her?" He asked laughing.

"Because all therapists are either really young mothers or really old cat ladies," I said.

"You know Kayden," Ranboo started, more seriously. "You're like an older sibling that I didn't really have. I've never talked to anyone the way I talk to you."

"Should I be flattered?" I questioned.

"Well, I tell you things even my parents don't know. Like sometimes they think I just stream for the money or the excitement but really it all started when I was younger and I just wanted a better life. I was always getting bullied for being super tall and I figured that if people really liked me then I wouldn't be bullied. I wanted to be cool."

"You thought playing a block game would get you to not be bullies?" I asked seriously.

"Hey, where I'm from I'm seriously considered a freak. If it wasn't for Twitch and all of you guys, I don't think I'd be here today," Ranboo said.

"Oh honey," I felt tears in my eyes. "You know you can always talk to me. I'm like a year older than you but I will always be here. You can even visit. You can teach me more about the block game and I want to take you so many places," I said, trying to keep my voice even.

"Are you actually crying?" Ranboo asked. 

"No," I sniffled. "There's a lot of pollen in New York."

"But it's November?" Ranboo said questioningly.

"Did you hear I got a puppy?" I asked, changing the subject.

"No way! Name and fluff count," Ranboo said, peeping up.

"His name is Pickles and fluff count is ten out of ten," I said. "I'll send you pictures."

I took out my phone and pointed it at the sleeping puppy in the dog bed next to my streaming desk. 

I sent them to the general discord server for the Chaos SMP. I wanted everyone to see Pickles. 

"Oh my god. So fluff so cute. Why pickles though?" He asked. 

"Well they taste good and I like them," I said.

"You're not planning on eating this adorable floofy baby are you?" 

I laughed. "Oh no. He's going to grow up to make sure nobody tries to break in again," I said quietly.

"Wait, Kayden did somebody break-in before?" He asks alarmed. 

"Yeah, Alex did. But it's fine. I can't really argue with what I can't control. That's why I have Pickles now."

"Maybe I should apply to NYU next year. We can go to college together and be roommates. I'll just be in classes for computer sciences and technology studies," Ranboo laughed.

I was actually considering it. 

"Okay bet," I said.

"Wait really?"He asked, stunned a bit.

"I hate being alone. Besides, you can spend time with me and Pickles and you can see Karl and Sapnap on the weekends," I said. 

"Someday hopefully."

"Yeah, someday."

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