22 - "Your boyfriend is Quackity?"

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After the stream, everyone just kind of lounged around.

I ordered McDonald's from door dash even though we had Burger King left over.

But you can never have enough chicken nuggets.

About an hour later, my cramps came back and Alex cuddles me on the couch while Karl and Sap 'made some food' in the kitchen.

Then Alex told me to get dressed in some fancy but casual clothes.

Don't know what that meant but I decided to wear this pretty strawberry dress one of my subscribers sent me when I had a P.O. box a few months ago.

It was basically the same one Eret wore in his stream but mine had a lot less poof to it.

I didn't really know what to add to it. So when in doubt, call on a seventeen year old that lives in a different state.

I face timed Piso really quickly because, of course, he has an obsession with the Dream Smp.

On the second ring, he picked up.

"Heyo bestie," I wave. I stand my phone up and twirl a bit to show the dress.

"Woah, since when does my best friend dress like they're going to prom?" Piso asked.

"Since I got a boyfriend and have a date with him today for my birthday," I said.

"Kayden, why don't you tell me these things?" He laughed a bit.

"Because it's a long story. But right now I need help. What in the heck would match this dress?" I say.

"Well, honestly, by the looks of the neck line, you'll need a necklace and maybe some bracelets, oh and either matching color or opposite color shoes," He says. He's eating cereal at his desk and it's as if he's watching TV and I'm the show.

"Well Alex hasn't even told me where we are going so I don't want to be too fancy," I said.

"Wait, your boyfriend is Quackity?" Piso asked.

"Yeah, we literally streamed twice together in my house," I replied as if it was obvious.

"Oh, I was at my grandparents house for a few days and of course, no wifi," Piso said.

"Want to say hi to him? And some others?" I asked.

Piso looked like a kid on Christmas, "Holy heck, yes!" He said as he jumped up, nearly spilling his cereal.

"Alex, can you and the guys come in here really quick. There's someone I want you to meet," I yell out my bedroom door.

Soon there are feet stomping and some whispers.

"I swear, Alex did it," Sapnap said as he hid behind Karl.

"No, no one's in trouble. I want you to meet my friend Piso. He's a big fan of yours," I smile at the three slightly startled guys in front of me.

"Oh yeah. For a sec I thought you found out abo-" Alex started but Karl clamped a hand around his mouth.

"Well we'll have a talk later but right now can you say hello please? And be nice," I say.

Piso looked like he was about to either shit his pants or pass out because of what he was seeing.

"Hang on, the phone is too small. Call me on discord so we can video chat there. I'll go into my streaming room," I said to Piso who just nodded and ended the face time call.

"Nice dress," Alex said as he hugged me. I walked to my streaming room with my iPad child boyfriend clinging to my waist.

I quickly turned on my monitor while Karl and Sapitus Napitus got some chairs.

"Maybe you should invite the others into the call," Alex said.

"No, I don't need to give a seventeen year old a heart attack. He's so close to 200k," I laugh.

Alex picks me up and twirls me. It's just enough that my dress swirls out slightly and I blush a bit.

"Woah, Alex's romantic arc?" I ask as I hug him.

We pulled apart as I heard the incoming call discord notification.

I answered and saw Piso but now he looked more awake. He looked like he was wearing an actual tuxedo and his hair was neater.

"Woah there, what did you do with my best friend?" I asked him.

"I had to be fancy to meet famous people," He said.

In the background, Sapnap let out a chuckle.

"Meet the guys," I said as I backed up.

Alex, Sap and Karl all sat in front of he monitor and talked with Piso as I went to go finish my makeup.

When I finished, I went back into the streaming room to find Piso arguing with Sappy about who was better.

"I could totally win against you in bedwars," Piso said.

"Yeah well you're seventeen and I'm an adult," Sap said.

"Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo are seventeen and they are better than you," Piso countered.

"Hey guys, why don't we just add people to the call to settle this," I said.

I messaged the Brits and Ranboo to see if they were available. Tubbo was so he popped on.

"Hello Rainy, whose this?" He asked as he said hello to everyone.

"This is Piso and he's obsessed with you," I laughed as I took a seat on my boyfriend's lap.

"Kayden I am not. Stop making up lies," Piso said dramatically.

"That's not what you were saying five minutes ago," Karl smirked.

"Yeah, you said Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo were better than me," Nick said.

"Guys, this is so embarrassing. Oh wait I have to go walk my cat. Oh my mom's calling ok bye," Piso said as he hung up.

Tubbo looked so confused.

"He's probably overwhelmed. Anyway Tubs how's your day been?" I asked.

"Oh it's been pretty good. Ranboo and I are going out to a park later with Wilbur," He said. "And then Lani is coming over."

"That's cool, Alex is probably planning on taking me to a dark alley way and murdering me," I said.

"Hey, I'm trying to be fancy for you," He said as he kissed my shoulder.

"Okay this is getting dark and sappy so I'm leaving. Have a good day," Tubbo said as he left the call.

I turned off my PC. Karl and Sap left to go out with Jimmy for a video.

"Come on birthday person," Alex said as he picked me up bridal style. "Time for the best date of your life."

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