34 - "Boo!"

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We stepped into the apartment and I set down the drinks and cookies on the counter. It was quiet but I did see Pickles in his cage near the bathroom. 

"Hey baby," I knelt down to pick him up. He was still sleepy and he fell asleep in my arms. 

"This is Pickles?" Ranboo asked as he looked down at the tiny furball in my arms. 

"The one and only," I said. "Want to hold him?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh yes," Ranboo said. 

I gently placed Pickles in Ranboo's arms and tiptoed down the hall to find Sapnap. 

I heard muffled voices coming from his streaming room/office. I opened the door and crept up behind the green screen before tapping him on the shoulder and ducking down befire he could see me.

"What the hell?" Sapnap asked. 

I heard him take off his head sets and get up from the chair. 

"Boo!" I yelled.

"Holy shit kayden," Sapnap screamed. I started laughing on the floor and it looked like Sapnap had seen a ghost. 

"Can you take a quick five minute break real quick?" I asked as I looked at his computer. He was building an underground house in minecraft.

"Yeah, sure," He said, confused and worried. 

"He'll be right back chat," I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen where Ranboo was playing with Pickles on the floor. 

"Howdy Partner," Ranboo greeted as Pickles rolled around.

"Who is this strange man in my house?" Sapnap asked.

Ranboo stood up. "You don't recognize me? I am deeply hurt. So hurt, very hurt."

"I swear, you're too dramatic," I laughed. "This is Ranboo."

"Holy SHit, mr. BoO?" Sapnap asked.

Ranboo stood up with Pickles in his arms. "See, now he is shocked because I'm famous, Pickles. Sappy has never seen anyone more famous than me." He coddled the puppy and spoke to him in a baby voice. 

"I knew you were coming but I didn't expect you to be here with Kade. It was supposed to be a surprise," Sapnap said. 

"He ruined it first," I pointed at Ranboo who pointed back at me. We looked like children who got accused of spilling water at a daycare.

"Karl's coming home later. I'm gonna finish streaming and then we can talk about whatever," Sapnap said. "You taking Pickled?" 

"Yeah probably. I mean, he is my son." I said as I scooped Pickles from Ranboo's arms. "Have fun streaming sapitus napitus."

"See you later rainy anus" Sapnap laughed as he went back to streaming.

"Want to come to my apartment?" I asked as we left. 

Ranboo was sipping the cooled down hot chocolate and I had banned him from eating all of the cookies.

"Sure," He shrugged. "All my stuff is in the Mr. Beast warehouse."

I put pickles in his cage in the back of my car and we drove off towards my apartment. 

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