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"Are you ready?"
Victoria asks me on the call while I'm putting on my shoes.

"Yes, you can come. "
I inform her and she hangs up.
I enjoyed going out with Victoria, she was always the life of the party and the one that wherever we went we had a good time.

I hear her car horn honking and hurry out of the house after making sure I locked up, I get in the car.

"Are you sure that Damiano won't be there?"

She, she had the idea that we should go and get some stuff from the studio, or so I thought. I don't know exactly what things but I know he needs them for the band.

"Yeah, we weren't supposed to be in the studio today. So we are gonna be alone. "

[. . . ]

Entering the studio, which I had never seen before, Victoria tells me to follow her. The truth is that it's a big building and without her I would definitely be lost.

I follow her, as she told me, until we reach a glass door, where we enter.

Indeed it is none, for my good fortune.
In this room, I guess this is where they rehearse or something.

It has their musical instruments and some other things that I don't know exactly what they are.

"Do you like it?"
He asks me and I shake my head in the affirmative.

She's looking at some shelves with lots of files, I don't even bother to ask what she wants to do since it's none of my business.

"I'm ready. We can leave now. "

"Can you tell me first where the bathroom is? I want to go. "

"Sure. It's easy. it's two doors away. On your left side. You will see it. "

With her guidance, I try to find the bathroom and I admit it's harder than I thought.

It has many doors, many rooms and I get confused about where to go.
A little while later, I think that I have found the right door whenever I open it.

A male figure, sitting in an office chair, and I almost scream in terror.

Apparently, I misplaced the door and obviously I should have expected it.

"I'm so sorry, I thought this was the bathroom. "

I get irritated when the gentleman is so rude that he doesn't say anything. I apologized, but he didn't even make an attempt to talk to me.

My eye falls on a familiar tattoo on his arm.
He is wearing a shirt but the sleeves are rolled up so I can clearly see the tattoo.

My heart starts to pound when I realize who it is.

He has changed his hairstyle, so I didn't understand him at first.
I feel my body heavy and I almost stumble backwards.

"H. . . hey. "

I say softly in my attempt to talk to him.
What happens immediately afterwards leaves me terrified.
I expected everything, but not this reaction.

A completely different Damiano from the one I was used to appears in my eyes.

His body in an aggressive posture, his hands pounding the desk and whatever else he finds in front of him. He throws some folders that were right on the desk in a rage, in anger.

I walk backwards, my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming out of fear, the last thing I want is for Victoria to hear us.

"Damiano. . . please-. . . "

"Get the fuck out! Leave now. Leave. "

His voice is harsh and hoarse, yet it remains strong.

He yells at me to leave, but I don't want to.
It's a side of him I'd never seen before and I didn't think how bad he could be.

With hesitant steps I try to approach him, but he stops me by shouting.

"I said stay away. "

"I'm sorry. "

I'm whispering.
Without expecting it, his hands grab my wrists , I feel my blood stop.
I exclaim at the sudden movement he makes and the tightening I feel as he turns into a wild animal.
He sticks my body back against the wall, with me starting to get scared.
I never thought I would see him in that state, he was always calm.

"You scaring me."
Deep down, i know that he won't do something to me, he is so mad.
But he would never hurt me.

"Guess what, i don't care. "
His words can't hurt me anymore even if I hold back my tears.
It was a bad idea to talk to him, I knew he now hated me.

I decide to push him as fast as I can.
It's not my fault that he didn't stop me from accepting John's marriage proposal.
He didn't even try.

I don't bother to look at him as I almost run away from him.
He is an asshole.

Ultraviolence -Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now