Self Harm

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Noah: Dix im sorry

Dixie: I dont need you fucking appology Noah. I-I was pregnant with your child Noah, YOUR CHILD and you didnt even know because you had no time for me after that stupid party. Do you know why you had no time because every fucking day, you was hanging out with a different girl and i couldnt do anything about it but let you live your mother fucking life.

Noah: *tears up* I ha-have a chi-

Dixie: YOU WOULD HAVE HAD A CHILD BUT YOU DONT ANYMORE. Dont you want to know how my life was when i was pregnant?

Noah: How and did you abor-

Dixie: No Noah, I didnt fucking abort our child. Im not heartless like you. Infact i was extremely happy that you got me pregnant but no-one else was. I lived by Kate for 5months because my parents refused to accept that i was pregnant. One day I was walking down Kates stair and i tripped, i dont know what i tripped on, but i lo-lost my baby when i fell *crying loudly* *Starts running upstairs*

Noah: *grabs her wrist and pulls her back to his chest* I didnt choose those people over you Dixie. I thought you hated me after what we did that morning so i went with them to calm my mind and i am so so so sorry i wasnt there for you when you was pregnant. I would have loved to be a dad

Dixie: *gets out of Noahs grip* Dont ever fucking touch me again. Understood?

Noah: Im going to sleep then since clearly im not needed here *goes upstairs*

Amy: Dix, im so sorry that happened to you. I thought i raised Noah better than that but clearly not.

Dixie: Its fines, Mrs. Beck. Im going to sleep *goes upstairs*

Noah: *laying on the couch with a blanket and on his phone*

Dixie: *goes to the bathroom and grabs a blade and starts cutting herself* Y am i never good enough for anyone. Im a fucking murderer, i murdered my own child *crying loudly at this point* *continues cutting* Nobody likes me

Noah: *hears Dixie and goes by the door and listens*

Dixie: *still cutting and crying* I am the biggest mistake to have ever happened. Nobody will want to be friends with or date a fucking child muderer. Y did he have to choose those people over me. I thought he was different but he turn out to be just like every other guy i know. I am just a slutty ass bitch to him and will never be anything more to him. He doesnt even care about me but he pretends to *faints*

Noah: *breaks open the door because she stopped talking and sees her unconscious* HELP! SOMEBODY HELP. Dixie, no no no, you cant leave me. You are not a slut to me, you mean the world to me. Please wake up *crying*

Amy/Tim/March/Heidi: *runs upstairs* What happened

Noah: *crying* She tr-tried killing her-herself

Marc/Heidi: What why?

Noah: I will explain later but right now she needs to see a doctor

*they carry Dixie in the hospital and the doctor is with her while the others are outside*

Tim: Where are the kids

Heidi: They are at home. I told them not to come

Marc: Why would you do that Heidi? Shudnt they be allowed to see Dixie before something bad happens to her

Heidi: Firstly yes they should but nothing is going to happen to her. She is a strong girl and can fight any disaster that comes her way and this is just a small problem to her but a big problem to us. And secondly, i told them not to come because right now we need to focus on Dixie, not more children that will be frecking out. They are strong and independant and can take care of themselves at home

Tim: Marc, Heidi is right. The place for them to be right now is at home which they are.

Marc: I guess your right

Amy: What happened to her son?

Noah: *crying* She kept saying that she was worthless and just a slut to me and that she is a murderer and suddenely she went quiet and when i opened the door she was unconscious with blood all over

Marc: oh my god

Noah: Mom i cant loose her. She means everything to me. I didnt mean to make her feel that way but i thought she hated me

Amy: She will get better, dont worry

Noah: We dont know that mom. She was laying on the bathroom floor covered in blood before we got here.

Heidi: We know she was Noah but we have to stay positive and hope for the best because without her, our lives would be so different

Noah: *still crying in his knees* Why did i have to be such a big jack ass and ignore her. If anything happens to her then i will die. She is my everything. Her smile, laugh, the way she does her little run when she's excited bout something, her cuddles, her voice, everything about her i love.

Marc: It surely sounds like you love our little girl Noah

Noah: I dont know. I have no idea what love feels like but she makes me happy

Marc: Dont worry, she will be fine and soon you guys will work things out and get together

Noah: I hope so

*Doctor come out*

Noah: *runs up to the doctor* How is she? Is she ok?

Doctor: Calm down. She is better. She had 17 deep cuts on her wrists so she got stitches to fix it. She is currently awake so i will allow you guys to go see her

Heidi: How many people can go in at once

Doctor: Since its only five of you all, i will allow all of you to go in at the same time

Heidi: Thank you so much dcotor

Doctor: No problem. Im just doing my job

Heidi: Lets go guys

Noah: *runs in the room and falls on his knees when he sees her hooked up to all the different machines and just sits there and cries*

Word Count: 1046words
This is my 2nd chapter. Im so excited to comtinue writing this book.

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