Chapter 12 ~ Plane Ride

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*everyone exists their vehicle and goes by Doah car*

Marc: *grabs Dixie hand and pushes her on Heidi* Stay there *says mad*

Dixie: *feels upset when Marc pushes her* I wanna throw up

Heidi: Dont you dare throw up while im holding you, you nasty bitch

Dixie: *starts throwing up and falls to the ground*

Noah: *runs to Dixie and rubs her bsck while she throws up* Its ok babygirl, let it all out

Dixie: *finishes and notices that she got some on Noah* Omg im so sorry *goes to wipe it*

Noah: *stops her* Calm down, i would do anything for you so a little throw up is nothing. *helps her up*

Dixie: *smiles*

Tim: What is both of your brains rocks or something? Cant you understand what are saying

Marc: Tim, calm down buddy. I would also love to buff them right now but you got to remember that we are in the airport and there are securities all over so lets save this for wjem we get home, ok?

Tim: Ughhh fine

*They grab their bags, and go through all airport protocals and they are now speaking with the slight attendant*

Amy: Can you by chance change with Dixie Damelio seat or Noah Beck seat so they dont sit next to each other please?

Flight Attendant: Im sorry but thats not possible ma'an

Heidi: Its okay, thank you

*they flight attendant leave and they just boarded the plane*

Tim: *grabs Noah and Dixie wrist tightly* This is the last time that both of you are seeing eachother. I dont want to see any of you touching one another throughout this 6 hour plane ride. Understood?

Dixie/Noah: *doesnt answer*

Tim: *grabs their wrist tighter and tighter each time*

Noah: Tim! Hurt me all you want but dont touch Dixie. Let go of our hands right now before i call security

Tim: *lets go of their hand* I wish we had given you up for adoption or better yet killed you whem you were born, Noah

Amy: It would have been better if i had just had a miscarriage with him or an abortion

Heidi: I wish the same exact thing about Dixie. They are both such a disgrace to our names

Flight Attendant: Last warning for everyome board this plane to take your seats

Marc: *stares and Dixie and Noah* Dont talk to each other!

*everyone takes their seat. Its the same seating arrangement from when they were going*

*With Dixie and Noah*

Noah: *pulls her head to his chest* Go to sleep babygirl, you didnt sleep last night

Dixie: *thinking-what if i did die. Clearly they wouldnt care. But what about Noah, i dont want to hurt him. Why was i even born when its so obvious that they dont want me in their lives*

Noah: *plays with her hair* Dix, you good?

Dixie: *out of her thoughts and speaking to Noah now* They are right

Noah: *confused* Who is right?

Dixie: My parents. Im not a perfect daughtrr to them. Everything i do is always a problem. They dont love me, they never did. If they actually loved me then treating me so badly would be hard for them but look how easy it is for them to do it.

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