Chapter 28 ~ Kio

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*Noah sits abck down on the couch where he was*

Kio: Bro, whats up with your girl?

Noah: What do you mean

Kio: She barely even did anything and she is tired and now sleeping?

Noah: Is it bothering you?

Curtis: Noah, dont argue with him on YOUR birthday, leave him and let him be judgemental if he want to

Noah: Your right. Cards?

Everyone: Yes

Noah: Ok but not too loud because Dixie is still sleeping, ok?

Everyone but Curtise: Ok

Noah: Curtis?

Curtis: Do you really think i will make noise to wake up one of my best friend Noah

Noah: No but im just making sure. Im gonna get a pack of cards

*Noah goes upstairs in his and Dixies room to get a pack of cards*

Noah: *sees her sleeping, hugging up a pillow and he kisses her forehead* *whispering* You are so damn cute babygirl

Dixie: *smiles in her sleep*

*He gets the card and goes back downatairs*

Noah: Ok lets go outside in the gallery to play incase someone accidently makes any noise

Curtis: Yeah because we are not going to wake up my besfriend

Noah: *smiles*

*They all go outside and sit by a table and play cards. Its now one hour later*

*Im not sure what time it is, so we will pretend that it is 5pm*

Noah: Ok im done playing, what do yall wanna do now?

Josh: Its getting late so we should be heading out just now

Curtis: Wait! We still have to cut cake before we go

Bryce: Ooo yum cake, lets go

Noah: I have to go wake up Dixie, she wants to cut cake with me

*Noah goes upstajrs and stand next to Dixie*

Noah: *taps her cheek gently* Dix, wake up

Dixie: Noooo *whining*

Noah: We are going to cut cake now before everyone leave, come on

Dixie: *wakes up and sits up*

Noah: Orrr baby, when we done cutting cake you can come back and sleep ok?

Dixie: No, im good

Noah: Sure?

Dixie: Mhmm

Noah: Ok lets go

*Noah and Dixie hold hands and go downstairs in the living room where everyone is. The cake is in the middle of the living room on a table with the two bottles of champainges next to it*

Noah: *watches the cakes* Wow babygirl, you did an amazing job picking to cake

Dixie: *smiles and kisses him*

Noah: *kisses back then pulls away* Ok yall ready to cut this cake?

Kio: I call dibs on cutting the cake with you

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