Chapter 35

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*they drive in silence until they reach their old school*

Noah: We are here

Dixie: I can see that *gets out of the car and starts walking

*Noah get out of the car and they walk up to the principle office. They are now outside the office*

Noah: You want to go first?

Dixie: I thought we were going in together

Noah: Yeah, up until you said how much you hate me

Dixie: But that doesnt mean you cant come in with me. After all you only care about out baby thats why you broke up with me but still care if i eat

Noah: Not now Dixie. Lets just go

*They both enter the principal office and sit down on the chairs by the table*

Principal: What are both of you doing here?

Dixie: I was hoping maybe we can get back into this school?

Principal: Yall are now a tiktok couple which will attract to much attention and i cant let that happen so no

Noah: We broke up last night actually and arent really on speaking terms

Principal: Well you may re join the day after tomorrow. Take today to refresh your memory on were things are located

*they get their schedules, and leave the office to see if they remember where things are*

Noah: You going with me or alone?

Dixie: With you i guess

*They walk around and is now in the cafeteria*

Mads: *walks up to Noah and touches his arm and stomach* Hey hottie, joining back school now?

Dixie: *sees Mads touching his arms and stomach so she walks over to Griffin* Hi Griffen, how are things with you *touches his stomach*

Noah: *sees that Dixie is jealous but not taking it in the correct way* Yes i am *moves away from Mads and walks over to Dixie and grabs her hand* Lets go

Griffin: Noah, my man,how are you. Its been a while since we last spoke

Noah: Im fine but for right now i need to take this jealous human away from here. I will catch up with you later *hands him a peice of paper with his adress in it* That my adress, come over later

*Noah holds Dixie wrist and walk over to the car*

Noah: Get in

Dixie: You are not the boss of me Noah. I wanted to get to know him

Noah: So what, you want to date one of my friends now? *gets in the car*

Dixie: *gets in the car* If i want to, i dont see a problem since you were the one that broke up with me. Remember?

Noah: So you want to date him? *starts driving*

Dixie: No Noah. When i cant just get rid of the love i have for you so soon and date someone else. Its mentally and emotionally impossible to me

Noah: Ok

Dixie: *rolls her eyes, changes the radio station to 93.5 and faces the window*

Noah: What is wrong with you Dixie? I was listening to the radio before you changed it *changes back the radio station to 100.5*

Dixie: Stop the car

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