Chapter 55~ Christmas

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*5:30am on Christmas morning*

Dixie: *rolls competely ontop of Noah and tap his cheeks*

Noah: *wakes up, rubs his eyes and rests his hands on Dixies back* Good morning

Dixie: Morning, we should get up and make sandwiches for everyone to carry with them since they leave next half an hour

Curtis: *turns to face them while on the other end of the bed* Merry christmas nuggies

Dixie: Merry christmas Curtis

Noah: Merry Christmas and no baby, we dont have enough time to make 18 sandwiches

Dixie: I guess you are right. Curtis, when will you be back?

Curtis: Im not sure, why will you miss me *chuckles*

Dixie: Just curious

Noah: She wont have time to miss you when she is spending time with her boyfriend and child

Curtis: Dont worry my feelings arent hurt at all by hearing that *smiles*

Dixie: He is joking Curtis

Curtis: I know, im going downstairs since im done readying *leaves*

Noah: Lets go freshen up?

Dixie: Mhm

*Noah and Dixie brush their teeth and bathe. Its 6am and everyone is by the front door with their bags that they brought with them last night*

Marc: Enjoy you guys Christmas

Noah: You guys too, bye

*Noah closes the front door and turns to face Dixie as he puts both hands on her waist and looks at her*

Noah: We will make today a fun day ok?

Dixie: Why couldnt they stay with us today? Our family should have atleast stayed since we are related and christmas is spent with family and friends

Noah: I dont know what they have to do but what i know is that i wont allow you to be sad about this today

Dixie: Today is our baby first christmas, our first christmas dating and our first christmas as a family

Noah: A lot of firsts right *laughs a bit to try to make Dixie stop worrying*

Dixie: *smiles a little and hugs Noah* Merry christmas bub

Noah: *hugs back then pulls away* Merry christmas my love *kisses her forehead* Go on the bed and i will get you your presents

Dixie: Lets go together, i heard santa was nice and dropped off gift for you as well

Noah: *picks Dixie up, walks into the room and puts her down* Im going to get it

*Dixie and Noah both get their gifts and meet back on the bed*

Noah: *hands Dixie her gift* Open it

Dixie: *hands Noah his gift* We will open it at the same time bubba

Noah: On the count of three

Dixie: One

Noah: Two

Dixie: Three

*Doah opens their gift. What they see:*

 What they see:*

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