Chapter 31 ~ Instagram Live

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*20minutes later Curtis enters Doahs room and sees them cuddling*

Curtis: Im going to assume yall made back up

Dixie: We dont know what our relation is but we are good now

Curtis: What do you mean?

Noah: What she means is that we dont know if we are still a couple or just friends

Curtis: Oh well you guys will figure that out later but as of now, both of you need to go on instagram live and tell your side of the story

Dixie: Nooooo *whining*

Noah: *rubs her back while cuddling with her* Whats wrong Dix?

Dixie: They already hate us so why should we try to tell our story when they are just going to twist our words

Noah: Dix, when they hear our side of the story and if they still choose to hate us then thats fine but for now, lets tell them and not worry about that

Curtis: Again im going in my room while you do that *starts to leave*

Noah: Curtis

Curtis: *stops walking and turns around* Yes?

Noah: Thank you for helping Dix and I solve our issue and next time knock in the door *laughs*

Curtis: No problem and ok *leaves*

Noah: Ready Dix?

Dixie: I dont want to get up

Noah: Want me to set up the phone so they can see us right here?

Dixie: Mhmm

*Noah sets up the phone next to Dixie and him and goes back and lays next to Dixie*

Dixie: Is it on already *digs her face in Noahs chest*

Noah: No but i feel like i should hold the phone so we would see the comments better *takes the phone out of the stand and holds it where both there faces are showing* Im starting it *starts the live*

Comments on the live:  (we will ignore usernames because thats too much to type)

-Look guys, its the slut and fuckboy

-They probably just had sex, look they are in bed together

-Yall deserve to die

Noah: Ok we are just waiting for more people to join then we will adress our matter

Dixie: I told you we shouldnt have came on live *digs her head into her neck*

Noah: Dix, we needed to or else every single person on this world will hate us for life

Dixie: I would rather that than have to stare at these comments

Noah: Well dont look at it

-Oh Oh, the baby needs attention🥱

-I wonder what they smell like since they just done having sex😏

Noah: Since there are more people now im going to adress it. Ready Dix?

Dixie: *raises her head off from Noahs neck and looks at the screen* Mhmm

Noah: Let me start from the beginning. Im sure we all know that Dixie and I used to be best friends for years but then suddenly we stopped talking. The reason for that is......i cant believe i have to say this on the internet but we had sex a few years ago. I thought Dixie hated me for having sex with her so i ignored her and talked to numerous different girls. Dix want to tell them your part?

Dixie: For three years, i thought that Noah saw me as a slut because i slept with him. A few weeks later, i found out that i was pregnant and i was happy because knowing that we were not on speaking terms, i knew that my baby would have reminded me of him. When Heidi, Marc and Charli found out that i was pregnant, they threw me out of the house so i went and stayed by my best friend Kate. A few months after staying with Kate, i was going to find out my baby gender when suddenly i slipled and fell. Instead of going to find out my baby gender, i was asked to push a dead baby out of me. When Heidi and Marc found out that i lost the baby, they took me back into their house

Noah: About a month or more ago, the D'Amelios and Becks planned a trip for us to go to the Bahamas. At that time, we were still not on speaking terms but they made us share a room and do everything together. We would argue with each other all the time until Dixie tried to kill herself. She slit her wrist so bad that she got ALOT of stitches for her cuts and them and was in hospital for days. She refused to speak to me even at the hospital but they made me stay with her which is how we started speaking again. When she got out of the hospital, everything was fine, we were all happy until one day we had sex again and everything went downhill for us. Charli saw Dixie legs shaking when we went for dinner that day and she insisted they listened to us. All of them went into our room and searched until they found evidence that we did have sex. Charli, Tatum and Hailey are the cause of everything in my opinion. Their parents would say harsh words to Dixie and I every single that. They even said that they wish we were dead. For many days, Dixie wasnt feeling well so i told her when she get home to take medicine but no, Heidi and Marc insisted that she go to bed without it. We were starved numerous times. Dixie and I did run away but we had multiple reasons to run away so if they think that we will return to their houses, they need help. We were happily dating until all this hate got onto the internet today and made us argue. Again, today Dixie slit her wrist numerous times because we let the internet hate get inbetween our relationship.

Dixie: I love Noah so fucking much and now we dont even know if we are a couple or just friends anymore because of all the hate. I hope the D'Amelios and Becks are happy for ruining our relationship

Noah: I love you too babygirl *kisses her forehead*

Dixie: *smiles* I missed you calling me that

Noah: Can we forget what happened today between us and continue being a couple because im confused what we are

Dixie: I would love that

-She didnt cut herself, they are lying

Noah: *holds up Dixies wrist* Whose lying becase it surely not me

-How does she taste?

-Is she good in bed?

-Why did the parents make you guys seem so bad?

Noah: Because we chose eachother and not them *caresses Dixies head*

-I should not have switched from doah to braddison, i should have really stuck with doah. You guys are the best

-Im sorry i said both of you should kill yourselves

-It was my worst mistake to not give yall a chance to explain yourselves

-I feel like an idiot for judging yall

Noah: Its fine guys, im glad you all know the story now

Dixie: Its not fine. All of you put hate on the internet which almost made me and boyfriend break up so no its not fine!!

Noah: *kisses her forehead while caressing her head* I know babygirl but we are strong, im sure we would have worked it out like last time

Dixie: Last time took us 3 years babe

Noah: *rubs her back* Ok guys well we will head out now. Thanks for coming on here amd listening to our side of the story. Bye *ends the live*

Word Count: 1256words

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