Chapter 32 ~ Break Up

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Noah: Baby?

Dixie: Mm?

Noah: Did the doctor call to inform you what day our next check up with baby Beck is?

Dixie: No, its too soon for another check up

Noah: Oh, im just really excited

Dixie: Me too

Noah: I am going to say something and i want you to just listen to me and not speak until im finished, ok?

Dixie: *mumbles in his chest* Mhmm

Noah: I dont want you checking social media for the next few days or probably weeks. That inc-

Dixie: Baby dont do this *looks up at him*

Noah: *gently pushes her head back on his chest and rubs it while speaking* You said you wont interupt. As i was saying, that includes Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and as much i hate this but youtube as well

Dixie: Bub nooooo *whining*

Noah: Its for your own mental health babygirl. Right now the internet is in confusion as to what to believe and they will make mean edits towards us and stuff so i dont want you seeing them

Dixie: I can handle it Noah, you know im a tik tok addict

Noah: I believe you can babygirl, i just cant risk your feelings getting hurt

Dixie: Bub i promise i'll be fine, just dont do this please

Noah: I have to and its gonna be fine. We can furnish the house, decorate baby Beck room and buy stuff for babhy Beck. What do you think?

*Dixie phone rings*

Officer: Hi, am i speaking to Dixie Damelio?

Dixie: Yes whats wrong?

Officer: We saw what happened on the internet today and wanted to know if you and Noah Beck would like to press charges on the Becks and the D'Amelios

Dixie: Ummmm *looks at Noah* Babe?

Noah: Its all up to you babygirl, i dont have anything to do with them anymore so it wont bother me

Dixie: No

Officer: Ok but if they trouble you guys again, call and inform thr station so we can take again against them

Dixie: Thank you officer

Officer: Its my job

*they hang up*

Dixie: Did i make the correct decision?

Noah: If it feels good to you then yes you did

Dixie: I dont know how it feels babe

Noah: As long as they dont have contact with us, we will be fine

Dixie: Mk

Noah: Phone now *puts his hands out while rubbing her head with his other hand*

Dixie: *hands him her phone* Just say you hate me when you know its true *moves away from his chest, goes to the end of the bed and faces away from him*

Noah: *goes closer to her and hugs her from the back* You know i dont hate you

Dixie: *moves her way out of his hug and walks to dresser and sits down* Yes you do Noah. You are treating me like a kid who just got grounded. You took away my fricking phone Noah, MY PHONE!!

Noah: *goes up to her, stand on his knees with his hands on her knees while facing her* Its fine if you think i hate you Dixie, i just dont want you getting hurt by a set of immature ass comments and posts about us

Dixie: Well if its fine then leave me alone Noah. Go sleep in a guest room.

Noah: Fi-

Dixie: Actually no, this is your house so i will sleep in the guest room so i dont inconvience you

Noah: This is OUR house Dixie, i will sleep in the guest room. Goodnight *takes their phones and goes into the guestroom*

*With Noah*

Noah: *closes the door and goes on the bed and snuggles up to the blankets* *Thinking: Wow two arguements in one day? Are we really meant to be together? Maybe we arent meant to be together. I should just leave*

*Noah gets up, goes into their room and sees Dixie on the bed, hugging one of his hoodies while zoned out*

Noah: *goes and kisses Dixie forehead* I dont think we are meant to be Dixie, we had two arguements in one day and this was just not like us before. I love you, i really do and its been a wonderful time while i was with you but i need to go so that you will be happy *hands her back her phone*

Dixie: Noah, please dont leave

Noah: I need to or else you wont be happy *starts to leave*

Dixie: *grabs his wrist* Its impossible to be happy without you Noah *tears up* Please dont leave me

Noah: Please let go of my hand Dixie

Dixie: *lets go of his hand* Is this a break up? Are you breaking up with me?

Noah: *looks down* Y-Yes i am. Bye Dixie *starts to walk back out*

Dixie: *starts crying* A-After everything we ha-have b-been through, y-you are brea-breaking up w-with me?

Noah: *tears up* I love you Dixie and we need to tell the internet about this today so that we will get less hate

Dixie: I-Instead of l-leaving, can y-you stay in this h-house? Y-You brought this h-house so it i-is only fair. I w-wont even bo-bother you. P-Please stay

Noah: I will be in the guest room also im going to announce our break up now so i suggest you also announce it so that you wont get alot of hate *goes back into the guest room*

*With Dixie*

Dixie: *crying alot* *thinking: W-What did i do, i ba-basically made him b-break up w-with me. I l-love h-him alot* *falls asleep*

Noah: *on the guest room bed with tears rolling down his cheeks* *Thinking: I really need to post about our break up because if i dont, and the internet do find out then they will blame Dixie and not me*

*Noah posts on Twitter*

Hi guys, this isnt the happy kind of post for doah fans but Dixie and I broke up. I love Dixe......a lot, way more than words can explain but i really dont think that we are meant to be. I broke up with Dixie, so dont bash her about anything. Im sure this is as hard for Dixie as it is for me. I wish Dixie the best of luck in the future and i hope she suceeds in everything that she does. Im you guys

Noah: *Thinking: I broke up with her, i probably really hurt her. I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me* *falls asleep*

Word Count: 1109words

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