Chapter 8 ~ Different Rooms

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Tim: We arent finished with this conversation so what do you think yall are doing?

Noah: *grabs a water out of the fridge, goes between Dixies legs while she is still on the counter, opens the water and tries to feed her it but she keeps refusing* Dix, calm down and drink some water. You will loose all your energy if you keep crying

Dixie: *still crying* I do-dont want any *looks down at her legs and sees them still shaking and looks back up at Noah* W-When will they stop sh-shaking and hurting?

Noah: Give it a day or 2 but for now drink some water. Please, for me?

Dixie: *looks up at him* Fine *drinks some water

Noah: *smiles and kisses her cheek* Thank you

Amy: Now can we continue our conversation *says mad*

Noah: *turns his head only to face them with his body still facing Dixie and between her legs* What is left to talk about? Dont yall think you said enough when you kept calling Dixie a slut? *raises his left eyebrow at them then turns back to Dixie* Sleepy?

Dixie: Mhmm *pulls herself closer to the edge of the counter by him and hugs him, not letting go and he hugs back*

Heidi: There is alot to talk

Noah: *still hugging Dixie and turns his head to face them* Well if there is alot to speak about, lets talk about it in the morning because both me and Dixie are tired and need rest. *picks Dixie back up and starts walking up the stairs to their room*

Marc: Where do you think yall going?

Noah: *stops walking and turns around and faces him* To bed. Any problem with that?

Marc: Yes actually, you two cant be in the same room together anymore

Amy: Exactly. Noah you sleep in the couch in our room and Dixie will sleep in the couch in Marc and Heidi room

Noah: What? Do you not see Dixie condition, she isnt doing well and you want her to sleep on a couch? If im sleeping in the couch in your room, then let her sleep in the bed in our room!! Its not like we will be in the same room *looks and Dixie head resting on his shoulder and realises that she fell asleep*

Heidi: Fine but if i hear anything about you two ending up in the same room, you will see

Noah: *takes Dixie upstairs rests her om the bed in their room, covers her, kisses her head and is about to leave*

Dixie: *grabs Noahs arm* Please dont leave me '🥺'

Noah: Im sorry, i dont want to but i have no choice. Go back to sleep. Goodnight, sleep tight Dix *kisses her head and goes back downstairs*

*everyone goes to bed and Noah goes on the couch. He waits for Amy and Tim to fall asleep which was only 15mins and then he messaged Dixie*

•The messages•


You awake?

Yeah, i cant sleep
without you

Try beautiful, you need
rest. Your legs are shaking
and hurting and you are
probably overthinking
so try to sleep

Can we facetime?


*Noah calls Dixie and she answers*
*On the call*

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