Chapter 4 ~ Protect You

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*nurse walk up*

Nurse: Visitng hours are over so i am going to have to ask four of you to leave and one to stay back

Amy: Noah, if you dont mind, can you stay back. We wont be able to rest in the hospital and considering we are getting elderly we need to go

Noah: I would love to stay mom. Bye guys

Heidi: Bye Noah. Take care of youself and if possible take care of Dixie as well

Noah: You dont need to ask me to take care of Dixie

*they leave and another loud scream comes out from Dixie room*

Noah: *gets up and quickly runs in the room and sees Tayler, one of Dixie ex trying to rape her* Tayler! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER NOW!!

Tayler: Or what Mr. Preety boy? What will you do? You cant do anything but sleep with girls

Noah: Tayler you are testing me. When it comes to Dixie, i would do anything for her and by anything i mean i can kill anyone for her if they try to hurt her so LEAVE

Tayler: Oh no im so scared. Is Mr. Pretty boy going to hurt me? Ahhh mommy come save me. You idiot. Im not scared of you

Noah: *grabs Tayler by his shirt and pushes him away from Dixie and pins him to the wall* Listen to me you fucking freak, Nobody is allowed to touch Dixie especially without her permission. Understood

Tayler: Oh i thought we were gonna fight, not talk? Where is all you mouth now huh?

Noah: *pushes Tayler on the ground and starts punching him* DIXIE IS TOO FUCKING PRECIOUS AND YOU WANT TO HURT HER?

Dixie: *crying loudly and freaking out*

Tayler: You psychotic bitch. Leave me. SECURITY!!

*security enters*

Security: Sir im going to kindly ask you to get of off him and put your hands behind you back

Noah: What? No!

Security: You will have to do that or go to prison for harming this man. Which one do you want to do? Put your hands behind your back and walk out of here unharmed or go to prison for however many years you will get?

Noah: You dont understand ma'am. He was about to rape her until i walked in and saved her.

Security: Is this true young lady?

Dixie: Ye-yes security. *still crying*

Security: Im so sorry young man. *turns to Tayler* Now for you, put your hands behind your back and follow me

Tayler: No did you not see, im the one that was being attacked for no reason

Security: For no reason? Being attacked for trying to rape a girl is suppose to be a wrong thing? Well im sorry but you are going to have to come with me

Tayler: I will be back for you Dixie and that time Mr. Pretty boy wont be there to save you *leaves with the security*

Dixie: *still crying* Noah

Noah: Yes Dixie?

Dixie: Thank you for saving me and where are our parents?

Noah: I will always save you Dixie and visiting hours were over so they had to leave.

Dixie:  So is no one going to stay with me?

Noah: Yes Dixie no-one is going to stay with you

Dixie: *still crying* Wh-What if he comes back and tries to r-rape me again

Noah: I will be here to save you Dixie

Dixie: You just said no-one is going to stay with me

Noah: Well you consider me a no-one so i said that

Dixie: You scared me

Noah: Im sorry. I didnt mean to. Calm down and get some rest. Today has been a long day so go to sleep *sits on the floor*

Dixie: What are you doing?

Noah: Going to sleep and you should also.

Dixie: *sobbing* Can you cuddle with me? I feel safe in your arms and i really dont want you to sleep on the floor. After all you did save me today

Noah: Are you sure Dixie? I dont want you to do that as a favor because i saved you

Dixie: Im sure Noah. Come now before i change my mind

Noah: I have a question. Does this mean that you forgive me? I mean you wanting me to sleep in the same bed as you is a pretty big deal if you ask me considering the fact that you hate me

Dixie: Noah, i need to tell you something. I really dont hate you. Like seriously, who in their right mind would want to hate you? When i found out that i was pregnant with your child, i was the happiest that i have ever been because i knew that even though we wasnt speaking, our child would have reminded me of you but then i lost our child. I am so so so extremely sorry for killing our child. I was so excited for him/her to be born and then that happened. I was going to the doctor to find out the gender that afternoon but little did i know that i would end up in the hospital to push a stillborn baby out of me *crying*

Noah: Hey, hey calm down. You did not kill our baby. It was not destined for us to have a baby that young but look at the bright side of everything that happened, you admitted that you dont hate me *chuckles* But if you dont hate me, why did you tell everyone that you hate me and all those bad stuff about me?

Dixie: Firstly, get your ass on this bed and cuddle me right now. Secondly, i only told them that because i didnt want to think that i dont hate you after you got me pregnant and slept with other girls the same day we did it

Noah: *goes over and cuddles with her* I really didnt mean to sleep with all those girls, i just could digest the fact that u was probably hating me for sleeping with you.

Dixie: If you dont mind, whats your body count?

Noah: Including you, its 17 *looks down* I know its alot and i wish it had only been with you but does the number bother you?

Dixie: 17? Noah 17 is alot and yes it bothers me. What if i was to give you a chance and then your number increases even higher if we have a small arguement anytime. Im not saying that we will argue but one little misunderstanding sent your body count from 1, with me, to 17 with a set of strangers who your probably dont even talk to. I dont know Noah

Noah: Does that mean you had intentions of us being together?

Word Count: 1128words
Finally its getting somewhere😂. Also what are some good doah stories on wattpad? The ones that i have on library and read, they didnt update as yet so im bored

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