Chapter 41

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Noah: Hungry?

Dixie: Nope

Noah: Well you havent eaten today and if not you, our baby is probably starved right now so im going to uber order some food. What do you want?

Dixie: 2 donuts and a chocolate milkshake

Noah: Real food Dixie

Dixie: Im feeling to eat that so why cn i not have it?

Noah: If you wasnt pregnant, i would have said yes but you are pregnant

Dixie: Pweaseee

Noah: No. I will order you some noodles and chicken

Dixie: But i dont want that *pouts*

Noah: You will have to eat it

*Noah orders food for him and Dixie. About a half an hour later the food arrives*

Noah: Im going to pay and collect it. Come down so we will meet in the kitchen

Dixie: Piggy back ride?

Noah: You are really my big baby you know *sits on the bed with his back facing her* Hop on babygirl *smiles*

*Noah carries Dixie on his back, pays for the food and goes into the kitchen. He places Dixie on the counter and the food next to her*

Dixie: You love placing me on the counter dont you

Noah: Yup

Dixie: Come here for one second, there is something on you face

Noah: *goes and stands between Dixies leg* Wipe it off for me please

Dixie: *grabs Noah face and kisses him*

Noah: *kisses back*

*they start to make out*

Tatum: *walks downstairs and sees them making out* HOLY. CRAP

*Noah and Dixie quickly pull away from eachother and look at Tatum*

Noah: I forgot we have guests in our house now

Dixie: Me too


Noah: TATUM! Watch you language in this house

Dixie: Noah, its fine. Its too soon anyways

Noah: I know but they have to break that habit now

Dixie: *puts her hand on Noahs cheek* Your going to make an amazing you know what

Noah: *smiles* You too

*Charli and Hailey get downstairs in the kitchen*

Charli: Whats up

Tatum: I walked in on them making out

Hailey: *looks at doah* Were yall about to have sex in the kitchen?

Charli: That is disgusting

Dixie: N-

Noah: Whose house is this? Mines or you guys one?

Charli/Tatum/Hailey: Yours

Noah: Exactly so i can have sex wherever i want to. Besides we came down here to eat not have sex

Dixie: *mumbles: I wish we came down for sex*

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