Fairy tells come true!! - Chapter 5

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“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?” said one of the guards. He had a heavy voice. There was a girl crawled up in a ball on the floor. She was crying pretty hard. She was soaked in blood, but it wasn’t her blood. For some reason I could tell that it wasn’t her blood. Then another scream came from down the hallway where there was a .................................... fur less dead fox. Who would do something like this but even more Why? I thought in my head. Then came Miss.Higgens who was the english teacher.

 “Everyone please go back to a dorm! We need to clean up and find out who did this.” said Miss.Higgens with her high pitched voice.After Jessie,Lisa,Candy and I got in the room with Taylor behind me who was closing the door.

 “What the hell just happened?” said Lisa.

“I don’t know but who the hell would do that? What did that poor fox do?” Candy said like she could read my mind.

 “It could be Josh! Remember the prank he did last year?” said Jessie.

 “ What did he do?” I asked.

 “Oh yeah your new!” She said with her little prissy attitude. I just rolled my eye’s and looked at Candy for explanation.

 “Well Mrs.Hash, the science teacher. loves raven’s so Josh thought it would be funny to put a fake raven and Ketchup on her desk. The janitor caught him in the doing. He got locked up in his dorm for five week’s.” said Candy.

 “ Yeah but I don’t think Josh would actually kill something!” said Lisa.I knew Lisa had a little crush on Josh but I do think josh wouldn’t do something like.Then the intercom came on.

 “ Every body please go down to the gym. Thank you!” said Mr.Renall, The Princable.

 “Oh great. We are going to get this talk again.” Said Candy. As we walked out the hall the blood was gone and so was the fox. But you could still smell the smell of death still. When we got down to the gym and everyone was sitting Mr.Renall started a literature  about how bad things happen to bad people. We have had 5 of these since I’ve been here and I’ve only been here for a 2 weeks now.

 “ Now I want who every did it to come down here.” Said Mr.Renall sternly. The light’s started to flicker.Then it went dark. There where scream’s everywhere. I could feel a arm on my left arm. I guessed that it was Lisa since that’s where she was sitting I think? When the light’s turned back on. Mr.Renall was on the floor as if someone had hit him. I could see the hurt in his eye’s. Then I could smell ....... blood. I looked around to see who was bleeding a couldn’t see anyone. I went to get up because I knew it was human blood but when I went to get up something pulled me back down. When I look over to see who it was I was shacked. There was Jessie strangling my arm. She had a horrified look on her face. Then when I looked down there was blood. EVERYWHERE!! Even on me.

 “ Ginny! You need to get me and you out of here.Now!” said Jessie. She was getting warm. 

 “Why should I help you?” I said.

 “Cause we are more alike then you think.Please for Everybody!” She said.Then I got a temper. Anger started to boiling in me.

 “Fine. But you have a lot to explain when this is done.” I said while I carried down the bleacher’s. She felt light. 

 “Where are you kids going?” said Mrs.Jefforsin the health teacher.

 “Get out of our way.” I said while carrying Jessie with one hand and pushing the teacher with the other.Once we got outside. I let her go. 

 “ Follow me!!” She said while running. I started to run after. Once we got into the woods. Jessie stopped and started to take her clothes off.

 “ Take your clothes off fast.” she said.

 “ What?” I said.

 “JUST DO IT!!” she said with anger in her voice.I started taken of my shirt when I started to get hot. Like I was getting a fever. I got my clothes off so fast you couldn’t see me. Jessie started to run. She jumped into the air and right before my eye’s she changed into a hug,grey wolf.Then pain came to every bone in my body. Like if my bones where breaking and healing. I feel to the ground. Then the pain stopped. When I got up. I was on all four’s and looking at Jessie/wolf. Then when I looked down at my hands. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

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