True Love?? - Chapter 7

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i Dedicate this to Gothgirl99 for being my best friend and always inspiring me!!!


It’s been a week now!!!! Everything has gone by so fast. This is my schedule: I wake up, go to school, go home, go to Jessie’s, train, go home, go to bed. I might get a little bit of time to do my homework if I went to bed late or wake up early but most of the time Im training with Jessie and Tyler. Jessie and I have come closer togather since I changed but I still get that feeling that there’s still more that she’s keeping away from me.I need to know. I’ve asked her once and she told me “There’s nothing” and storms off. I’ve also learned that Candy is a wolf too. She try’s to put some fun into Jessie’s training but Jessie always make’s it even harder. Who the hell is pissing in her cheerious?


“Are you okay,Jessie?” 

“Dose it look like I’m okay?” Jessie said. Half awake and Half asleep.

“No” I said dully.

“You get the day off today since I’m............. not feeling all right.” She said.

In my head,I was doing my happy dance.But in realate I was standing straight being mature.

“Well I’m surprise that your not doing a happy dance or something.” She said as if I was a child.

“That for kids.” I tryed to say mature.

“Ok? Well see you tommorow maybe?” She said. She turned away and started walking toward’s the glass slide door’s. As soon as she went in.I started dancing. I knew I looked retarted doing this but no one was around so why not?

“I caught you!!!”I turned around to see Tyler smirking, trying to keep in his laugh.

“Oh Shit,” I said. “ I didn’t know.......... wait where you watching me!?’’ I said with a little bit of sacasim in it.

“Maybe.” He said with his husky voice.

“Omg how much did you see?” I shouted at him. I didn’t relize how loud i ws intill it was already down. A parently Tyler didn’t care or seemed to relize cause he started laughing. or he was laughing cause I was so loud.

“Ummm...... long enough to know that your a ........ big girl now.” He tried saying with out  laughing.

“Stop laughing! It’s not that funny!” 

“Try to make me! I mean you couldn’t take me down anyways since your new.....” He wasn’t able to finsh his sentences cause I tackled him. 

“Who’s winning now?” I said. Come on flirting with him really! My inner wolf said. Apparently your inner wolf is supposed to have a name like stary or blueshine. But since I just learned I haven’t found her name yet. I got lost in my thoughts. It all happened to fast. First I was on top of Tyler, then I was on the gorund looking up at Tyler.

“ Well considering the what just happened I’m winning!” He said with sarcasm. I tried to squrim out of this akward poistion but he had a good grip on my arms and he had on knee on each side of me. 

“Haha. Know can you plz let me go?” I asked like a little kid. I put on my best puppy dog face.

“ Oh sweetheart. You should know that dosen’t work on me.” He said while poking my nose. After that we stared into each other for what seemed like an hour. 

“Tywer! Tywer! Come play with me!” said little anne from her window.

“I’ll come in 5 minutes! Go hide!” He said loud but not to loud.

He got up and offered a hand to help me up. He pulled me up and are body’s touched just slightly but it was still very close. I looked up at Tyler to see him smiling.

“Why you so happy?” I said.

“ Cause your so......... buetiful.” He said. I could feel our breath intertwind. That’s how close we where. I looked at his lip’s. The looked so plump and kiss able. As if we where thinking the same thing we both collided our lips togather. Our lips moved in sync to each other’s. He tasted like mint and coffe. When he took his lips away I was disapponited. I don’t know why? Yes you do don’t lie!  She said. She really get’s annoying after awhile.

“See ya later Ginny!” He said with his hand still around me.

“ Bye Tyler!” I said. He pecked me on the lips on more time before walking to the glass slide door.He waved bye and walked in.


Tyler’s Pov

“Ready or not here I come!’’ I said while running up the staries. I walked in quitly. I looked around the anne’s room. where could she have hid? I thought. Thats when I noticed, two little feet stinking out of under the bed. I walked over to where they were.

“ I FOUND YOU!” I said quit loudly. As I pulled her out from underneth the bed.She giggled and I helped her up.

“How did you find me?” She said with her britsh accent.

“ Magic power’s?” I said.We sat on her bed. I looked out the window. I think I was seeing if she was still out there. But I didn’t see a single person.

“ Do you like Ginny?” Anne asked. As she too looked out the window.

“Yeah. She’s a good person!” I said even though I knew what she mean’t.

“ I mean like like. Like Mom and Dad like like each other?” I didn’t really know. I had some feeling’s for her but I couldn’t tell if they where true feeling’s.

“I like like her yeah. but not like Mom and Dad. We’ve only known each other for 5 week’s.” I said unsure of what I just said. Is it possible to love someone so quickly.

“ I saw you two swallow each other.” She said with a big grin on her face.

“ You mean kiss?” I said trying not to laugh.

“ That’s what mom calles it! but whatever.” Mom did say that a lot when I she talked to me about my girlfriends. Yeah I’ve had a lot of girlfriends but they aren’t like Ginny she’s sweet and funny. They all where just slut’s.

“ I think she’s pretty!” Anne said while walking out of the room and down the staires.

“Yeah, I think she’s pretty too!” I wispered to myself. Maybe you can fall in love with someone that fast?

I think I’m falling in love? 


So what do you think???? I had so much fun writting this chapter!

Hope you like!!!


Do you think that true love at first sight really happen's?

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